When: Sat 10th March 2012 at 10PM JST (please
convert to fit your own timezone)
Why: To show some love/support/spazz etc?
Please note the following:
1. We need everyone to be on at the right time to be able to to trend so if you can, then stay up/hang around for a while to help out before heading wherever you need to be and help out :)
2. Putting #Japonicana in your tweet more than once may be classed as spam so please restrict yourself to using one hastag per tweet and tweeting every few seconds will help a lot! (Make sure your tweets are not locked)
3. Feel free to spread this wherever you want as the more people that know about this the more people we'll have taking part. Use the graphics provided/make your own/vids etc - just don't claim them as your own. It would be nice to know where the project spreads to so comment and link us? and maybe give us your graphics to use too?
4. If you can translate the project into other languages for us, that would be great too. Please leave a comment with a summary of it so I can include it in this post if anyone foreign comes across it, and then maybe blog about it in that respective part of the fandom? (i.e. translate to Thai and post about it in your Thai fandom blog so all the Thai fans know)
6. Bear in mind that Twitter does have a tweet limit which a LOT of people tend to hit and so they are unable to tweet for a while. This can last up to an hour so I'd recommend having a back-up account.
7. Although this is a trending project it is mainly for fun so please don't forget that when tweeting.
TWEETDECK: You can tweet from more than one account via Tweetdeck at the same time.
Some graphics you can use to promote:
thanks to Shen for these.
yes I'm aware that the graphic is missing Australia. Will get edited soon
If you don't know how to use Twitter and would like to take part, let me know and I'll try help you~ Any questions - just ask.