Attention! all Jin fans please read

May 09, 2011 00:16

I really hate to make an entry about it. We may say no need to waste time on those bullshit and those retarded haters. However there are ppl who may not be familar with Jin and can be easily misled... so we have the responsibility to do something when we see it.

Lately some Jin haters are using twitter to spread their hatred. Please be aware how low they can be, and tell everyone near you whoever gets misled by them.

What those haters are basically doing?

1. they at first kept sending negative message to Jin and Jin crew, then deleted the tweets later. Jin said he'd ignore them so they figured out something else lately

2. As twitter is a live message board and u won't get to read old tweets, nowadays haters start to fake Jin's friend's tweets only to brainwash others.

One called @hatejin faked Josh's tweet and Dashen caught her check here

they then twisted Dashen's pic into this one, check here

other than that, they also distorted certain old tweets by Josh. For example, last spring Josh's friend asked if KT's going to LA with Jin, he answered KT's not going. Haters took it out of the context and said Josh's bashing KT's single Going.

I may not like all of Jin's friends, but I can't stand haters to fake what his friend didn't say or distort their lines and use it to bash Jin eventually.

Also I saw the 2ch Jin hate bible (created right after March25 2010), which faked and distorted Jin's lines to destroy Jin's image, has been translated into English recently. It's very ridiculous, but more ridiculous than that is some chose to believe it and spread it. samples of the the hate bible (you can see how jin's words are distorted and faked, draw them out of context is already a distortion, not to mention the tone has been completely changed on purpose. it's a very long piece. When it appeared in Chinese fandom no one took it seriously because it looked too fake. I'm kinda shocked haters even bothered to translate it into English) I won't be surprised those "quotions" will be spread out on twitter soon (actually already). Be aware of it.

What we can do?

1. know bashers will never let go of Jin. Tell ppl about how low they are

2. report spam anytime u see a basher (go to her twitter--click the gear button--click report xxxx as spam)
then tweet basher's name "@ xxxx" (use space key between @ and xxxx, so the basher won't know) to other Jin fans to let them know and to report.

3. don't waste ur time arguing with them. They do these things on purpose. All they want is to brainwash passers-by and bring down Jin's image.


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