This is the very first picture of me anywhere near W&J besides for my photo ID. Taken by Courney Caruso (I love my suitemates!!!). She said "smile" so I looked away from my engaging computer activities and smiled. I am clearly in my pjs and not completely ready for it.
The point is, YOU CAN SEE MY ROOM! Well, a little of it. Let me label the stuff for you.
Everything on the right is Sam's. The wardrobe in the background is mine. In the bottom left-hand of the picture is the corner of my dresser, then of course my desk which I am sitting at, and my colorful bed. You can't see my crazy calendar or dry-erase board and my new posters aren't up but that's ok. You can see my sweet chair pillows (I NEED that back one, oh my goodness). On my desk you can see my pink cereal bowl after my Berry Berry Kix, my laptop, my sweet wireless mouse, and my zippered Sharpie case. Also note my sweet VS pjs that I got at the winter semi-annual sale last year. <3 My French book is on my bed. I love my over-the-door hooks on my wardrobe (and Sam admittedly copied me and got the same thing because she knows they're sweet) and my over-the-door mirror. I love how I can't sit on a chair normally.
Behind me is Sam's desk, then the fridge, and her wardrobe and dresser are on the wall perpendicular to them. My dresser is next to the door which leads into a small hallway. To the left is Courtney and Spencer's room, to the right is the bathroom which connects to Sarah and Ali's room, and directly across from my door at the end of the mini hallway is the door to SUITE 190!!! <333
Of course you need to visit to get the full effect and hopefully you will all get to do that at some point. :o) I may ask Courney if I can borrow her camera to take some more pics of my room because I have to get a new digital camera.
I'm home and it's kinda driving me crazy but if I wasn't here things would go to hell (even more). I get to see Linz tomorrow!!!
Goodnight loves.