Why, damn you!? Why must I have a subject! I want to be subjectless! Mwa ha ha ha ha!!!

Apr 28, 2002 20:31

Jessi-chan did this quiz thingy, so I figured I would to. Have fun.

Location: Computer room.
Occupation: Whatever they want from me @ CVS.
Height: Not sure, around 5'10"
Weight: Again not sure. Perhaps around 180 lbs.
Eye color: Dark.
Hair color: Dark with splashes of grey.


Current dress: I don't wear dresses!
Current make-up: I don't wear make-up, either!
Current mood: Good, because Jessi-chan is on the phone. A bit drained, still, from the recent unpleasentness.
Current taste: A sort of pizza-ish aftertaste with a hint of iced tea.
Current hair: Still dark with splashes of grey. What, did you think it had suddenly turned plaid?
Current annoyance: The fact that, due to the recent incident of car-go-boom, I shall be needing a new automobile and any plans of getting a place with Jessi-chan may have to be put on hold...
Current smell: Nope. And I didn't even shower today! (But if I want to stay odor free, I had better shower tomorrow!)
Current longing: The same as always, unless I am with her. Then I want for nothing.

... ... ...

Actually, a new car might be nice.
Current thing I ought to be doing: Laundry. I'll do it tomorrow.
Current desktop picture: Default clouds.
Current book: I'm between books. I really should get around to reading Jason-kun's novella. (Bad Matt!)
Current CD in stereo: An MP3 disc with the Xenogears OST, Creid (Xenogears Arranged Album), and the Xenosaga OST.
Current DVD in player: A VCD, actually. The second half of Evangelion -- Death:Rebirth
Current color of toenails: Kind of a fleshy colour.
Current refreshment: Jessi-chan's voice over the phone.
Current worry: Not to sound selfish, but my current worry is rather monetary in nature. Car expensive. Especially when the need for one is rather sudden.


You Touched? Jessi-chan
You talked to? Jessi-chan
You hugged? Jessi-chan
You instant messaged? Jen-Jen
You kissed? Jessi-chan
You yelled at? Not out loud, mind you... but I did have some words with myself over the recent unpleasentness.
Who broke your heart? Hmm... Probably Nikki... but I'm well over it now! (I love you, Jessi-chan!)


Food: When your pallet is as limited as mine, you cherrish all of what you do like.
Drink: Tea. Earl Grey. Hot. (Freshly brewed, not from that bagged smeg. With a little milk and sugar.)
Color: Black, red, and plaid. (It mixes black and red! He he he...)
Album: No favorite... but at current, I'm on a bit of a Yasunori Mitsuda kick. (Hence the Xenogears / Xenosaga mustc.)
Shoes: Anything broken in and comfy of the black sneaker variaty.
Candy: Goobers.
Animals: Jessi-chan when she's feral. Also, kitties and foxies.
TV Show: Too many to choose from! Ask me later!
Movie: See TV shows.
Dance: I can't dance!
Song: The fourth act of Beethoven's Ninth.
Vegetables: Evil!
Fruit: Graham Chapman. (Scott Thompson is a close second.)


Understanding? I try to be.
Open-minded? I hope so, although sometimes not as much as I should be.
Arrogant? I try not to be, but I may be on occasion.
Insecure? Sometimes, but again, I try not to be.
Interesting? I prefer the term, "eccentric," myself. ^_^
Hungry? Nope.
Friendly? I try to be.
Smart? More so then some, but not all.
Moody? When I'm upset I can be, so hopefully not that often.
Childish? When I am with my Jessi-chan! (Whee!!!! *giggles*) Or with other friends I am very comfortable with.
Independent? I try to be, but I could be more so.
Hard working? They give me money, I give them work. Only seems fair.
Healthy? Aside from some aches and pains from the recent unpleasentness, I feel fine. But Jessi-chan says I could be more so, and she will work on it once we are living together.
Emotionally stable? When I was younger, I had friends who were often troubled, and would often use me as a friendly ear. In that sort of situarion, one sort of has to be stable... (Someone must be!)
Shy? I can be, when around people I don't know in non-profesional situations.
Difficult? Perhaps a bit stoubern...
Attractive: Jessi-chan certainly seems to think so
Bored easily? Man, will this quiz never end?
Messy? *looks at Jessi-chan* What did I do?
Thirsty? A bit... Maybe I shall get some iced tea...
Responsible? I can be, but I can also let things lapse...
Obsessed? It's not just an obsession, it's a lifestyle!
Angry? Nope.
Sad? Certianly Not!
Happy? Jessi-chan's on the phone. The only way I coud be happier is if she was in my arms.
Trusting? Of people who have not betrayed my trust. Fortunately, I can think of no one in such a category I currently associate with.
Ill? Not currently.
Talkative? With people I am comfortable with.
Original? And trademarked.
Different? :OHke;lkuul,!!!!!!!!!!!
Quirky? And creepy and kooky! (Well... maybe not those two...)
Ignored? Sometimes.
Reliable? Eventually.
Content? In some things.
Optimistic? Yes.
Deep thinker? I try to be, but not always.
Self-disciplined? In some matters, but I could be a lot more so.
Sleepy? a bit
Lonely? Yes. (I want to be with Jessi-chan!)
Mortal? And very aware of it after recent events...


Kill? No one.
Shag? Jessi-chan!
Slap? Bang! Pow! Holy (fill in the blank) Batman!
Get Really Wasted With? No thanks...
Tickle? Jessi-chan!
Look like? I look like a male version of Matty Hayes. (He he he...)
Be like? I like who I am. I want to be like me... With some improvements, mind you, but the same basic person.
Talk to? Jessi-chan, Carolyn, Jen-Jen, Jenn, etc...

Baka AOL... I was almost done with all of that, and it logged me off! So... I did it again. Now a few random other quizzes.

Find your Role-Playing
at mutedfaith.com.

A formidable creature half lion and half eagle, the griffin is said to be one thousand times stronger than any lion and five thousand times as arsighted as an eagle. It has a strange talent that when people are around it, they find themselves unable to lie. The griffin is also said to be feirce and untamed. It was a protecter against evil and people often wore talismans of a griffin's claw to protect them from demons. Griffins were often used as trasport for the gods. They were also reputed to swoop down from the montains on occasion and pick up goats and small horses and bring them back to their nests for their young.

What mythical beast best represents you?Take the quiz!

Sarcastic FF X character selector

I am sweet, like Sugar.

I am all sweetness and light; fluffy bunnies and dancing fairies; happiness and joy. Too much of me will make you sick. What Flavour Are You?

Have a nice day!
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