Oh yeah, I finished this thing! (and FC update)

Jan 31, 2013 20:17

I finally finished the book I'd been working on and got a self-publishy copy up on Amazon, in paperback and Kindle version.

Are you ages 13-16 and enjoy slow, plodding books that can't seem to decide what the hell they're about? Then please check it out!

If you're reading this, you aren't 13-16. So no pity buys or reviews, please, I'm moving about 20 copies a month. Eh, I'm happy. I have a day job!

FC 2013 was fantastic! I'm glad I stayed at the hotel another day-- I left Monday morning and went straight to work, instead of leaving Sunday at noon and driving home. It made a huge difference.

I'd love to do more cons but as it is, maybe this and Rainfurrest is all I see in my foreseeable future.
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