
Jun 15, 2009 18:30

It is getting very trying here in Iraq. They are making us run 3 different types of jobs here: QRF (quick reaction force), CQ duties, and our usual military movement missions.

The problem rises in the fact that some times we run movement missions for anywhere between 4 to 12+ hours a day, then are expected to sit at the CQ desk in front of the gym of the palace for anywhere up to 8 to 12 hours then pull QRF another additional 12 hours... And believe me there have been many days where we have done ALL THREE in one day...

CQ was suppose to go away today. But because 3 retards popped hot on their urine analysis, the command sergeant major has now taken the other unit, 1-7, off the CQ duties COMPLETELY and now has left it completely to us to work. Meaning... If I get off at 7pm from a movement mission, I could be stuck at the CQ desk from 8pm to 8am the following morning... and STILL have a mission that morning as well...

The other unit 1-7 runs one, ONE, fucking mission. All that is, is an 8 hour shift to sit out at an Entry Control Point (ECP) a day. THAT'S it. And they claim they are soooooooooooooo busy. Has anyone stood up for us and said fuck this shit?? That the 303rd is fucking worked worse than hebrew slaves at this point???

I mean for god sakes, all we do at CQ is check an ID to make sure people are authorized to use the MWR (its kinda like a break room with tvs, pool tables, and game systems) and the gym. That's the WHOLE POINT to CQ. Oh no. You don't have an M on your ID card, sorry I can't let you in. I mean... seriously???? That is SOOO freaking important than making sure I get rest so that way I can take President Obama around to places he needs to go the next day??? Or the President of Iraq???? Seriously???

I finally broke today. I won't go into details, but they are wanting to send me to the combat stress clinic asap. It has nothing combat related though. It has to deal with retards and their stupid actions, and assholes who couldn't organize a schedule if their lives depended on it. But I snapped. And it didn't accomplish anything other than make me look stupid...

*sighs and face plants*

One month and we are done. I just don't know what to do until then.
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