With the help of Osrik, I created (meaning YES! I designed AND made this myself!!!) a kick ass looking wrist cuff spike arm band! :D
I know the picture is bad, I took it with my webcamera... because... I... haven't downloaded my pics from Florida... yet... @.@
Oz showed me how to beat the spikes in with a hammer and a block of wood. Using wood helps keep the points of the spikes in good condition. Using a metal base to hammer in the spike can damage the tip. I created the arm band form fitting to my wrist and trimming it here and there. Punched the holes and used a little kevlar cord and BAM. AWESOME.
I looked it for a while after making it, and if I get good at using leather and designing and such, I could make a profit off of it. Yes, meaning you like the one in the picture there? I could custom create a spike band of any kind, even a collar, to your liking. As soon as Oz and I go over how much certain leather and material costs, I may build a site for custome spike creations.
Welp Kel and I are making more stuff. Gotta run!