Nov 23, 2010 11:01

Hanukkah History

What does Hanukkah mean? It is the word for dedication.

By what two English names is it known? Why? It is referred to as the Feast of Lights because of the candles we light. It is also called the Feast of Dedication because the temple was dedicated once more to the worship of God.

In what Hebrew month does it fall? On what day? It falls on the 25th day of Kislev.

How long does Hanukkah last? Eight days.

What historical event does it commemorate? It recalls the successful struggle of the Israelites over the Syrian Greeks. They conquered a big army with a few men and regained the temple. It was about religious liberty.

Approximately how long ago did the Maccabean struggle take place? About 2,100 years ago.

What special home ceremony is observed during Hanukkah? We celebrate the kindling of the Hanukkah menorah or hanukkiyah.

What is Hanukkah gelt? Kosher chocolate coins

How many lights are lit throughout the festival? One candle is lit on the first night and an additional one each night until all eight candles are lit on the last night.

What is the name of the candle used to light all other candles? Shamash or servant candle

What hymn is sung after the candles are lit? Rock of Ages

Why do we kindle lights for eight days? When the temple was rededicated, only one cruse of oil was found unbroken.   It was only enough for one day, but by a miracle it lasted eight. This was the time it took to make new oil.

What is one special game children play? Dreidel or Trendel

What four letters are inscribed on the dreidel? Nun    gimel    hey    shin

What do these letters represent? Nes gadol hayah sham. “A great miracle happened there.”

What special food do we eat at Hanukkah? Latkes - potato pancakes

Who were the Hellenists? Who were the Hassidim? Unfortunately even some Jews followed the Hellenistic Greek pagan ways. The Hellenists were those Syrian Greeks and others who followed polytheism. The Hassidim were those who were loyal to Jewish beliefs and practices.

Who was King of the Syrians? Antiochus Epiphanes (The Illustrious); Some referred to him as Epimanes (The Madman)

What did Antiochus command? He ordered Jews to forsake their sacred Jewish practices and to worship only Greek gods.

Who were among the first Jewish leaders to rebel? Mattathias, the High Priest, and his five sons

In what community did the revolt breakout? Modin. It still exists in Israel.

Who were the five sons of Mattathias? Yohanan, Simon, Judah, Eliezer, Jonathan

What mother displayed courage and self-sacrifice during the ordeal? Hannah and her seven sons

What was the battle cry of Mattathias? “Mi L’Adonai elay!” “Whoever is on the side of God, follow me.”

Who became leader after Mattathias’ death? Judah Maccabee

Explain the word Maccabee. By what other name are the Maccabees known? The word is derived from the inscription on Judah’s banner. MI KAMOCHA BA-ELIM ADONAI. “Who is like unto thee among the might, O Lord?” The initial letters of the Hebrew words form the word MKBI. The word Maccabee also refers to a “hammer” for the hammer-like blows given to the Syrians. They were also known as the Hasmoneans.

What was Judah’s first act when his army recaptured Jerusalem and the Temple? He cleansed and rededicated the Temple.

What special significance does Hanukkah have for us today? How can we show the spirit of Hanukkah today? Consider these terms: liberty, freedom, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, happiness. We must ever rededicate ourselves to the sacred ideas of the Jewish people by helping make our world a better place. May we ever take Torah to the nations.

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