Yes!!! No more Toothpick!!!

Jul 26, 2004 14:30

So much has gone on I don’t even know where to start...lest see...the beginning won’t due. Well I guess I’ll just go with it.
Lest see…I got the internet running on my lap top, then I got a mouse to go with it, and then I realized that the keyboard I had to hook up to it was the wrong connection type so I needed to get a new one. So I rode down to good will and found out that they were closed all ready, I had to wait until today to go in and get one. (For those of you who may not be familiar with my “lap top” don’t let the name fool you, my sister owned it for three months need I say more…oh …I do?… oh well then I’ll tell you that she stepped on the screen so that’s shot and then she let it over heat and melt down the keyboard, half of it is melted off so that I had to poke the keys with a tooth pick through the little melted holes in the keyboard…much fun I got really good at it) so any way I went down to Goodwill to get one to day and they were all $4 which is a pretty penny for a keyboard but I got one any way and it got all the way home (mind you I’m riding a bike with no brakes another long story) just to find that it doesn’t actually work so I had to ride all the way back down there to see if they would exchange it for another one. So…I get that one back here and its like a 1567 piece of crap witch still uses would keys…but it works!!!! Hooray!!! So now I sit here on my bed (yes I can turn my monitor to face the bed and my mouse is a laser one and works just fine on my pillow. So every thing reaches and I can lay in my bed and update lj!!! Too kewl!!) Besides all that fiasco I’m now fully set up with high-speed wireless Internet and awesome speakers and the works…. life is good.

So besides all that fun tomorrow’s is Ritchie’s B-day and I just now remembered so everyone else should wish him a happy B-day. I played rent yesterday as well so I’m good for this last month and I’m now even again…although I have $2.22 to my name, which just rocks. I do so love being pore and jobless!! It really is fun. This last week the guys came up to visit and that’s another long story but we did go to this awesome B-day party and that was a blast as well as the Coast trip Saturday. I got so sunburned that I could get out of bed yesterday. I think I’m going to be pore forever witch I think is fine as long as I can still get by. But I think its really funny to talk about because I was so ignorant of what its like until I got up here, it blind sided me in the night and one day I just woke up and went WOW! Bread is expensive, I’m not sure I can afford a $1.50 (no joke it was crazy)…and now I’ll stop typing, edit this, (and still have a billion mistakes). But I’ll let you all get back to your lives.

All I have to say it that Snarsinflugen is damn good fun.
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