Aug 24, 2003 21:16
Ok, first full working weekend at the kennel, surprised how easy it is to get used to the smell of poo ,a smell which by all rights should make me sick, has instead become one of those many things in life you get used to, but that is a side note to the main purpose of my little spiel tonight which is of course explaining how i could be randomly amused.
I cant explain it but it actually feels good to be working again even in a kennel money will be nice and lets face it the classes are a literal joke. so yeah for slackerdom i promise more substance in later reports but after working 18 hours in 2 days i feel by all rights i can relax for a bit...onyl thing i am concerned about now is finding time after labor day to visit everyone so keep some plans in mind guys because lets face it when i finally hit town, it would be hard to miss me..