PERSONA 4 (and artbook, calendar, T-shirt, both soundtracks, and
Teddie plush) GETTO
Also, I just read the first story in the new Valdemar anthology during lunch - Mercedes Lackey's own story - and was vaguely horrified to realize about a third of the way through that it was a fanfic with the numbers filed off "homage" to, of all things, Scooby-Doo. There's a wagon with the psychedelic design, four Herald-Trainees investigating a ghost story (the handsome but slow blond guy, the emotional and gullible girl, the practical and intelligent but unfeminine girl, and the scaredy-cat guy), there's a magical dog who shows up and bonds with the Shaggy-type which plays absolutely no part in the story aside from saying "Ruh-roh" and asking for food, and it even ends with the exclamation (which I was waiting for from the moment I figured it out) that "I would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling Heralds!"
And what's even worse, it was told from the viewpoint of the meddling kids' mentor, the world-weary wry and exasperated older woman which tends to characterize so many of Lackey's self-insert characters (culminating in "Herald-Librarian Myste" or whatever such shit showed up in the Alberich books). So it's not just a Scooby-Doo AU fanfic, it's a Scooby-Doo AU self-insert fanfic.
...remind me, why do I like Misty Lackey's books so much again? D:
Edit: it a sign of things to come that the second line of dialogue in the game is my (rather DILFy) uncle telling me I'm more handsome than in my photo? I KNOW YOU, ATLUS, AND YOUR WAYS D: