Meme time (taken from
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 16 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 16 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.
16 things about me )
See, I like playing survival horror games in the dark too! I'm just mentally incapable of doing so if there's no one else around because I'm such a wuss. It's strictly a psychological thing; even though I know the worst that'll happen is that I'll die in-game, the anticipation of a shock reveal is enough to make me avoid playing it on my own. I literally cannot bring myself to continue. Hell, I could be playing through it with a Gameshark set to infinite life and still not be able to psych myself up to go into that room/cave/basement/etc. (See: the zombie dog-infested basement in Resident Evil 2, which it always takes me like 2 hours to psych myself up for EVEN THOUGH I'VE BEATEN IT LIKE FIFTY TIMES. And that damn licker jumping through the 2-way mirror still makes me jump EVERY DAMN TIME.)
And see, at least you have a roommate! If I scare the pants off myself, I'm screwed because it's just me, and if I hear a sound that I'm certain is a homicidal burglar and/or an evil demonic spirit, there's no one to investigate but me (and hell if I'm going to do it, I'll just sit there and wait for whatever it is to come into my bedroom and make me void myself in fear).
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