Apr 10, 2007 08:55
Well, my brief friends-only experiment is over; I don't think any of my students have found me, and honestly at this point I don't really care if they find me talking about sparkly videogame buttsex (which is now my set phrase to describe the contents of my LJ). And I would like my friends from the W.C. to be able to read this, despite most of them not being on LJ. So from now on, my journal will be back to the way it was before this year; only sensitive stuff (so, stuff that's really personal, or stuff about teaching) will be friends-locked, and the rest will be public.
Am I going to go back and un-flock posts from this year? Hell no, I'm too lazy. I'm just glad I never got around to flocking everything from before last summer.
In other news, I still feel like shit. And since I got nothing done yesterday except sniffling and zoning out on Sudafed, I have no Old English translation done for today; looks like I may be skipping that class. ...God, and that's the second time this semester - in three weeks, even; that makes me feel so hypocritical, after getting so pissed off earlier this morning about my student who never comes to class (though to be fair, I do make it to Old English almost all the time!).
teh sick,
the dubba-dubba-dubba-dubba-dubya-cee,
bein' a teacher creature