Jul 10, 2006 17:09
So it's been a looong time since I posted and I'm sure so many people read my journal and are heart broken,....right? *crickets start chirping* *falls over* Well that's ok.....I mean if I lived in another country and wrote about lives I went to....and celebrities I met...I would have over a hundred new found friends. *L* So if your still reading this...that means A. you have nothing better to do B. Thought this post might have something important or eventful or C. You care that much to send me the very best *snorts*
Alright, so anyway....one of my good friends came up this past weekend to visit. God it was great to see her. It's been WAY too long. We talked about the good ol' days got nostalgic over photos and than just totally cracked out over cosplay...and dramas. *LOL* I swear when we get minimal sleep the most bizarre stuff comes out of our mouths and warped minds. That's what I love about her. On a side note...dah-ling if your reading this....I just got a e-mail stating said costume is shipped and on it's way. So we should be good to go. Saying it looks and fits well. But modifications are not a problem...and the wig should be getting shipped out this week. So that give me enough time to cut, color and style that bad boy as well. Other cossie for Ota is already finished w/ minor details to tweak. Yeah?! God I think this will be the first time I was not working on costume up til the last minute. Wheeeeeeeee! I can't wait til Ota...and to see everyone. *sigh* So that's it for this post. More rambling in a bit.