Aug 08, 2004 09:30
Well.....I only have one thing to say about it. IT WAS WAAAAAAAAAAY TO BIG?!
So from the start I wasn't planning on going, but a friend of mine was coming up from VA who wanted to se Larc. I like LArc......but not enough to warrant going to the con and putting up w/ millions of tard-monkeys. Unfortunately, or fortunately, my other friend coming up with the one that wanted to go to the concert said the only reason she was even coming was to me and my sis. *guilt washes over me* So I end up making very last minute plans.
Took amtrak...since I hate the driving. That wasn't bad...except trying to get there on time. Sakito and I had last minute costume preparations to do. Causing me to have an ulcer trying to get to the train station w/ my grandma driving. Which actually was pretty funny...cus she actually drove over the speed limit, ran yellow lights and everything for us. Go Nana! SO we get there on the skin of our teeth to meet a friend riding down with us, only to find that the train is delayed anyway and is running an hour behind. All that worrying for nothing. *hmmph*
So the next day...les and I are up and trying to get our costumes finished. While patiently waiting for the rude people we ended up staying with that were friends of the girl that got the room and knew our friend. *falls over* Originally, I was supposed to be doing Michi no Sora Lida......I swear whenever I have my heart set on something..something is bound to happen to cause me not to be able to do it. Prior the costume was half finished and all I was waiting on was freakin gold vinyl. Never depend on the postal service to deliver stuff you need within a two week time constraint. So Michi is being done later on. Back to the program. So it ended up being Track Suit Lida.....cus that way I could still do a PLC thing for the gathering. Well....wouldn't you know it...that when we began ironing the iron in the hotel is soooooo ghetto. Nothing ironed on and when it did parts would start to come up. Than when I peeled it...all the white disappeared and all that was left was an outline in RED?! I was soooooo upset. Luckily, I had brough an extra costume to wear...and Sakito's didn't turn out to bad. So she threw hers on....and we tried to hustle on down to the convention center getting lost by going in the wrong direction. *ugh* Finally, make it down only to find no on there and only two ayas still lingering. *flop* Need less to sucked.
So.....come sat. Not much...except....I bought my first sumt from the Artist alley. *L* Reika-san calls it the Smut alley. I like to support the starving artists. Didn't see much in the art show. *shrugs* So it's than time to race back to the hotel and get change and get ready for the line. Well....thank god we left when we thought we should because people were already lined up?! WTF?! So....waited in line got more sunburn on the shoulders......this waiting weasn't as bad as registering. Concert....was alright. I honestly expected more from these guys. The special effects rocked, the performance as musicians....well there is no doubt they are all extremely talented...but entertainment wise....I was left wanting more. I guess I'm just used to the big theatrical Malice Mizer, Moi dix Mois, Vidoll, Lareine etc. Still even being different genres....a little movement around the stage would be nice. *sigh* The Mcs were funny though. Most notably Hydetos. Hyde:Do you eat crap? *silence over the arena; like a record scratching* *audience looks around....did he say what I think he should we anwser* Hyde: Do you eat crap? *audience eh? Oh he means crab!* Audience: Yes! Hyde: Me too. It's good! *LOL* That was pricelss. Anyway, that was about it other than my train dying on the way home and having to wait forever for a new engine. Not fun. Still better than driving. I hope everyone else is enjoying there summer.