
Jul 03, 2004 21:22

Wow. I haven't updated this thing in a looong time. Maybe that's cause I never have any time to myself. *shrugs* So first summer session ended about a week a go and now Second summer session has started. Yeah! *L* Well....I decided to go with one class this time. Trying to do two classes in six weeks while working 40 hours a wekk just wasn't doing me or my GPA any good. I ended become a emotional basket-case and having a break-down. So from now on it's only two classes in the fall and spring and one for each summer session. Unfortunately, it will take me a little longer to get done...but I'd rather take longer and get good grades than get done sooner and have a lower GPA. So now...I'm playing with the idea of studying abroad. Just a semester. I could never handle a year. I'm thinking it might be good since my major is Corporate Communications. Ahhhhhh....I miss my girls. Hopefully, I'll see one of them in another couple weeks. The other one...mebbe...BIG mebbe in August.
In other excitement...I'm making costumes again with my sis. I swore I was done with that, but somehow I got pulled into a group cosplay thing going on at Ota. Should be fun...now if I could just find gold PVC and white pleather...I would be the happiest person. The only two fabrics holding me back from succeeding in finishing this costume. So if anyone knows of where I could locate some...I would be really greatful and I'll give you a cookie. I'm also excited about going since I'll get to see some friends of mine that I haven't seen in a very loong time. Plus another girl of mine is flying in and I haven't seen her in a decade. Gosh lots of catching up to do. I can't way! *squee* *pheeeew* OKies, time to head out to a party. Updates coming again later.....much later. :p
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