May 27, 2003 02:07
I'm getting slightly worried about my sanity
For the last week or two in my 'breaks' I've played metal gear solid 2 a lot. In fact I've completed it 3 times now on different difficulty settings to get all the extra features etc.
I am now extremmly good at er, killing and torturing the enemies and it disturbs me how life like they are, well ish.
My recent 'fun' has been holding guards up.
You go up behind them and say 'freeze', then they give up items depending on how 'hard' they are. If they're stubburn they say arrogent stuff like "If you're going to shoot me, then shoot me!" and after a little bit will duck and try and kill you, they only give stuff up if you shoot them in the arm or leg (or both, or both legs which is amusing). If you do this their arm spasms sickenly and they get really terrified. If you hit them in the leg they balance on one leg and also scream a lot.
You can of course just kill them, a head shot from 1st person view is sickening as it spurts blood all over the 'camera' and slowly slides down the screen. At first I thought this was quite funny, especially for the guys who gave up right from the start and sounded really scared. But now after killing like over 200 of them probably it does sicken me slightly, heh
Most recently I'll hold someone up, shoot their radio, tranqlize them then shoot them in the leg. When they wake up they can't call in reinforcments and have to drag/hobble themselves dripping blood on the floor, to the nearest exit to get help. I'm doing this in an area where I'm in disguise so I wait right till they're near the exit then kill them, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!1111
Oh, and in my last run, which took about 6 hours I think, I had a kill count of 255 people...