Dec 26, 2010 21:53
After all the pre-holiday madness, the actual day was quite nice. As per usual, the entire morning was spent in our pajamas (or pyjamas, as my anglophile brain keeps insisting); stockings and gifts were followed by scrambled eggs and the divine concoction that is monkey bread. I swear, that is half the reason I look forward to Christmas every year.
Mum loved her gift, which was two sets of handmade coasters; one was just squares with sheared edges made from a felted sweater. The other was the same, but with sheep needlefelted on; even better, the background sweater had cables that were still visible even after felting. Gram's gift was not *quite* all it was supposed to be; I discovered in the wee hours of the morning that our printer had run out of ink, so the story I had for her will have to wait a bit.
As for me, I got a wonderful tea-of-the-month subscription from Gram, and from Mum, two argyle sweaters, a Spiderman mug (long story, no, I'm not really a Spidey fan), a beautiful teacup, a book (which oddly enough we'd gotten for Mum!), the Masque of Mandragora DVD and a cable subscription. (Sounds a bit silly on paper, but the long and short of it is, we'll get BBC America. Guess what I want that for... *grin*)
Then after lunch (supposed to be breakfast, but we took long enough it was one o'clock) we got ready to go to a family dinner. This was just icing on the cake- good food, another chance to see the family before we crawl back to our hidey holes for the rest of the year, oh and DOCTOR WHO CHRISTMAS SPECIAL. I only thought of it Christmas eve, but the family member who was hosting gets all kinds of cable, and bless their hearts they let me be antisocial for an hour and twenty minutes.
It was excellent! Though, people kept coming in to see how I was doing. Well, I'm still watching, so obviously I'm doing fine, thank you very much, now would you mind, Matt Smith is talking a mile a minute again... So I'm sure I need to rewatch it to fully get what's going on, but from what I can tell it was extremely well done, and I loved the steampunk-y design of the world. The flying fish were really neat. I was also struck by how much the eleventh Doctor reminds me of Sherlock, with his snap deductions. Or maybe it's the other way round, actually. The same way Jim Moriarty reminds me of Simm's Master on steroids. Anyway, it was a fascinating variation on the Christmas Carol story.
doctor who,