Dec 05, 2003 18:30
... Yes. Hebrew class was last night. It's still in my brain.
Gates Foundation is da best. Just got finished with Focus Week at our school, where our "small schools" (which are just BS so far, but hopefully will evolve into something semi-useful for the puny underclassmen by next year) did their own things. I'm in Arts and Humanities. Of course it rocks tuchis. Er, butt. Er... mhm. Anyway. It's cool.
The only good classes all week were Tai Chi Yoga, and Printmaking. That was today. Printmaking is the cool beans mon. I did this drawing of a bride in a graveyard, with 'Der Dybbuk' across the top in Hebrew letters (because transliteration is for WIMPS! ^_^). Verrah coo', but kept getting freaked by the presence of a certain boychik. I would say verdammt, but that would just be -weird.- (Verdammt is GERMAN, for the love of cheesemonkeys. And this boychik is a heyser boychik! Mwee.)
And then the charcoal thingy I drew yesterday has disappeared. I am pissed, I tell you-pissed! Because I didn't really like the cute guy in front of the Wailing Wall that I also did, but I -do- have that one. The weird Chagall-ish Shoah-themed thing is GONE FOREVER. I may kill Mr. Sholz. Or doctors. (Or both. ^^;)
Anyhoo. That's all I feel like saying to start off my semi-daily rantingses.
Shalom u'vracha! [peace and blessings]