Jul 02, 2004 13:54
My start date at ST was pushed back due to a problem with GCC getting my goddamned GED Diploma to me on time. Thank fucking god that Linda, the lady at ST, cut me some slack. So now, the job is in the bag. I now start July 12th...farther away than I want...but no big deal.
My parents told me this morning that I am aware how big an opportunity this is, but they don't think that I understand it. I mean, look at the points...
- $10 an hour, entry level pay. That is the least I will be making. I can only go up from there.
- Garunteed over 80 hours every two weeks. This boosts my checks to around $600-700 after taxes. wo-fucking-ot.
- Benefits up the ass. I have shit I won't even use, but it sure is nice to have it.
Also, look at it this way, people will ask me what I do. At Spinato's I could just say "I make pizzas." Which I didn't. However, at ST, I can say "Me? I make fucking microchips." And then spit in their face. Why? I don't know.
Also, I will soon have a new home. Although, by "soon" I mean, "October". I am moving in with Kim and Corie into a two bedroom two bath at 7th Street and Bell. Those used to be shit apartments, but they are under new management and they are fucking nice. The one we got is not only really big, but really affordable. Should be fun.
Nothing really else to say. Things weren't looking to good for a bit. But now they seem to be picking up. With a new job on the horizon and a badass new place to live...oh, and my car. I will finally be independant.
Next entry, because I have nothing to talk about, I think I will make a list of all the MP3s I have. Not only does that show the digusting amount of time I have on my hands, but it also...well...that really is all it shows.
Also, I think Kryss is dead.
Ooo, I long one this time...
One day when I get really really rich I'm going to own an amusement park. And in this amusement park I'll create a ride. You'll step into a room that opens into a long straight hallway of pitch blackness. The kind of darkness where you can't see anything and even when your eyes begin to focus, you still can't make much out. You'll walk and walk and walk and then all of a sudden you'll get to the end. And as you step out into the sunshine, you'll be squinting because you won't be able to see and that's when I'll punch you in the face, you goddamn jerk
Be well.