Oh noes! I have fallen out of the lj loop! But this is because I've just spent the past couple of days sleeping on the floor of my sister's University accomodation, so this is okay. :) May I never forget how totally freakin' awesome she is. I made American pancakes, stroked an axolotl, got in with the Zoology jokes, was handed down all my sister's Pirate Party Gear (cap included), watched Garden State, Thoroughly Modern Millie and Winged Migration, had my hair straightened, was taught all about the girly world and am currently in the process of burning all the CDs and DVDs that she lent me. Yay sisters. &hearts
I also got to infiltrate the Zoology Department, and stumbled upon the following, which I hope may be of some amusement. May I present The Defender of Biological Sciences and Statistical Significance:
Anyway, I just wanted to say, thank you for the most excellent shoe advice of the highest calibre! I'm going to look for the shoes of dreams tomorrow, armed with so many good suggestions, and hopefully I'll be able to find a pair that has aspects of everything. They are going to be hawt.
PS- mayhaps I am taking advantage of my wonderful, lovely friends in pestering them with fashion advice, but I think I've inherited my mother's distinct lack of fashion sense. Is there any way at all to wear Lolita subtly...?