I think i have scanned most of the J-idols from TVfan Cross XD
Sadly, there's no Kisumai's pages, only Tama...
Snow Man's pictures could be found @ Tackey ~ Johnny World repo.
Tomoyuki Yara, 4U and They Budou's pictures could be found @ Kinki Kids concert repo.
DL noon boyz scans
DL Jesse, Juri Tanaka & Sho Takada scans
DL Kansai Juniors scans
here DL Tamamori Yuta scans
here DL A.B.C-Z scans
DL HSJ scans
DL NEWS scans
here DL Kanjani 8 scans
DL Tackey & Tsubasa scans
here DL Kinki Kids scans
here DL Johnnys' Countdown 2012-2013 scans
here ★ Hello, if you happened to view my LJ and Love the mags scans, and want to post it elsewhere or do translation, i'm OK with it. BUT, DO NOT CLAIM THE SCANS AS YOURS. Thank you for all of your lovely comments :)