Dec 01, 2016 12:05

2011 is my last entry in lj... where I've gone?

KPOP, yeah that's kpop, hallyu wave or whatever its called. from DBSK to Shinhwa to all groups existed (I stan most of the group, just named it) and my finally I end up with VIXX. If I un-stan VIXX means I un-stan KPOP. Yes, I finally leaved KPOP..... but not VIXX.

What makes me comeback?


I'm so fall in luv with them, especially Fumaken. They are so different from their jr jidai.
I'm not new with JE, I know about sexy zone debuted before. Last sz's song I listened to is LADY DIAMOND and last thing I watched fumaken is in SCRAP TEACHER. I did watch Shori in 49 too. I've no clue about sou and Mari.

I watched a lot of sexy zone during their 5th Anniversary. (I bought their album too, yay!) I love Kento very much. I love the feel when oujisama makes me cringed. Sou and Mari is cute baby too.

I'm glad coming back loving my JE boys. Hope everyones welcome me back to the fandom.

bye bye dubai kkkk

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