
Aug 26, 2010 00:18

Shit! Fuck! Okay! Update now! o_o I keep saying to myself that I'm going to update this thing, but every evening it seems there's something else to distract me. So now, I'mma force myself to write. o_o d

Lately I made the mistake of re-installing Saints Row 2, this time on my beasty new laptop to see if it'd run better on that. As many flaws as that game has, it's still a top fun game to play. Plus not many other games let me go around kicking arse and taking names as a hot dominatrix.
Unfortunately it still runs like a dog, even with the laptop's specs. In some aspects, it's even worse where in the lack of a frame rate cap means some (read: all) audio tracks end prematurely, and some areas where the asset count is low, the animation actually runs too fast. But everywhere else the game is still as choppy as ever. Could just turn all the fancy lighting options off, but then it'd look atrocious, and we can't have that. Sexiness doesn't come from flat lighting.

image Click to view

I've really started digging this song lately, too. Partly because I'm a bit emo like that, but mostly because the other week, I discovered that the majority of this song relies on only two chords on the guitar. So I've been practicing that, and it's actually surprisingly easy to play. Sounds kinda boring without the vocals though, so I'm sorta trying to sing along as well. ...That's still sounding pretty rubbish, so let's just move on.

Anyway, the big news this time has to do with some fan art I drew a while back. You remember that skanky TF2 pic I did back in the day? Yeah, that one. So, I got a message via my dA last week from some chick who says she cosplayed my Scout in that picture because she liked the design.
My initial thoughts to myself were "Oh great, here we go. This can not possibly end well." I mean, first of all, all my drawings are very unrealistic for the average lady type, and since we know that all the best cosplayers come from Japan, the fact that her English was not broken had me a little worried.
But then I saw the picture she took.

...Ipaoisjdf;OISUPRIUopidufo;aiuwpoIEdPotiaepruiha;dkftg I think I may need to get married now. o_o But seriously though, I was blown away with how well a cosplay based on something I designed turned out. Plus it feels good that other people are appreciating my work. :'3 And I gotta say, it did make me feel a little famous for that, even if that feeling lasted just for a few minutes. Apparently that girl also has a friend who cosplayed my Engineer as well. DAY-UM. o_o d
So yeah, pretty cool stuff. Too bad that's about as exciting as my life gets these days. :'3


music, art, tf2, cosplay, video

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