Never Ending

Feb 05, 2009 20:50

And so begins a new year and some fresh new experiences. Since the start of this week I've been transferred onto a new project at work where they do things more methodically and, from that I've observed, logically. Which is a nice change of pace - actually having some kind of process and not just trying to brute force a game out of a shonky design.
At the moment they're still easing me into the groove of things, and things being as they are, it's not particularly very hectic at the moment, so the pace is actually feels kind of slow by comparison to where I've come from. It almost feels a little too slow, and I keep asking my lead if there's anything more that I could be doing, because it honestly feels like I'm doing nothing. But he assures me that it'll pick up in a few weeks, and it's better to think before acting, rather than acting and then thinking.
So, while things are really starting to look up now, I can't help but feel for my former comrades who are still stuck on an extended tour of duty on the old project. Sounds like they're still working to the beat of some erratic drum, with their work load increased now that they're short a couple of designers. And to top it all off, it sounds like those calling the shots over there still haven't learned any lessons on why they keep failing either. >_>

Oh yeah, and I should also mention that apparently, due to the whole economical downturn, 4 people at the company have been made redundant and no longer work at the company. Among them was a good friend of mine who's worked together with me on several projects now. Still, at least he sounds like he's going to a better place, literally, so maybe it's not all bad news.
What gets me though is that, although he is very capable in what he does, he's no longer working at the company. But someone else who causes more problems than he solves still manages to keep his position. Seems a little unfair if you ask me. A few of us reckon that the only reason this troublemaker is still there is because it'd cause the company more headaches to drop lose him now, so they're going to wait for a more opportune time. It's the only sane explanation we can think of. :B

On a completely different note though, and on something totally not work related, I've been busy working every day since New Years on what is perhaps the most ambitious art endeavour I've ever attempted. It's been keeping me pretty occupied, yet it really feels great to be able to work on something that I truly want to work on.
I've gone into it slightly more detail on my dA journal, so I don't want to repeat again here. But I'd like to think that, when it's all finished, it'll be fully sick mate. X3

art, work, redundancy, f22

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