Cannot Brain

Sep 27, 2008 00:50

So after 12 days straight of work and no proper rest, my brain activity has more or less flat-lined. I've heard some people go for as long as 16 days with no proper rest, the weirdos. Anyway, as a result, today was a fairly unproductive day, as it was for my other colleagues who've also worked similar hours to me these last couple of weeks.
Finding myself quite incapable of thinking about one thing for any length of time, I spent a little bit of time today trying to take my mind off things by looking up what characteristics make a beautiful face on the webnets. And, the internet being what it is, a few links later and I ended spending most of that time staring at Tifa cosplays. ...Mmmm, I'd buy that for a dollar.
I also found that it's hard to make a face more pretty if you've got no control over how big the eyes are. This could make the face sculpting thing a bit more challenging. :B

Oh, and I almost forgot to mention that my new glasses arrived on Wednesday early. Quite a few days earlier than I'd expected too. Apparently the dude at the shop was able to talk the supplier into expediting things a bit because he knew that I'd lost my last pair and didn't have a replacement. And, on top of all that, the dude also gave me a discount to the tune of $70. Something about being a valued customer I think - I didn't hear him too clearly because I was half trying to put my specs on. What a nice guy. b o_O d
So that means I can see again! Hallelujah! Praise the lord! And all that jazz.

I also finally started watching those Death Note DVDs that a mate of mine at work lent me like 3 or 4 months ago. Yeah, I know, I'm slack. -_- But yeah, been a while since I've actually sat down and properly watched any anime.
Gawd dang that Light Yagami character is such an egotistical, self-righteous twat. Genius, but still a twat. Ah well, high school character is what high school character does. Anyway, will need to watch them other DVDs later this weekend.

Speaking of which, it is so nice to have a long weekend to make up for last weekend. \;_;/ I'mma go now and crash.

But before I do, bwahahahaha!

death note, tifa, work, cosplay, ramble, glasses

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