Very Arse

Mar 06, 2008 00:53

I can does art meme. Because I'm an arsehole. :D I totally gotta stop doing the narcissistic thing of refreshing the page every 10 minutes to see if the hit counter has gone up any. Sometimes I forget that I'm not 14 any more. >3>

Keep having these dreams about the end of the world. If it's not through world war, it's because of alien invasion. And when you think about it, that some pretty scary shit right there.
It starts with you relaxing as you normally do. Then suddenly all the TV and radio stations switch to broadcasts warning of the impending doom. You run around your house, hoping it'll all blow over and you won't be affected.
Suddenly something crashes though your walls making a gaping big hole. You look around for things to save, things that matter to you. As more of your home crumbles and begins to burn, you realise that saving material possessions is fruitless, and you focus on saving those you care about - your family - before abandoning your house.
You run out into the streets, and everything is in chaos. People are running all over the place and and anything else that moves is out to kill you. In the madness, you get separated, and you're suddenly all on your own. You seek shelter in another structure that looks undamaged and sturdy, hoping you'll be reunited with with those you've lost site of.
Soon the utilities to the city are cut. There is no running water, and there is no more power. It goes dark. And cold. You cower in a corner, hoping nothing will find you, while the sounds of unspeakable horrors are occurring just behind the walls you're leaning on.
And then it goes quiet. It seems like everything was just a bad dream. But you're still sitting in your corner. And you know that if you go outside, something out there is waiting for you. You're on your own with no one to turn to. If you've made it this far alive, it feels like there's nothing left any more. It is now only a matter of time before your own miserable life comes to an end.
...Y'know, maybe it wasn't such a hot idea to have watched I Am Legend, but it's too late to unsee what I saw'd. o_O d Although, it did make me realise that to have a metropolis be destroyed in that way is kind of like a person succumbing to disease. It doesn't happen quickly, but very slowly, and methodically. Bit by bit things fall and the city withers away until all that's left is an empty shell. But that's an analysis that can be left for another day. :B

In other news, life is still pretty miserable. -_- Some people really deserve to get their comeuppance. >:B

art, meme, dreams

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