So much talking, so little listening. That's the problem with this world. Everyone is so busy imposing their opinions, their thoughts and their desires on others that they never really stop to take into consideration other people's points of view. It's getting so that you have to be shouting just to be heard; never mind actually getting someone to actually hear what you have to say - that's another marathon to run.
Sometimes I think that this world would be a better place if everybody would just slow down and try to see things as they are from someone else's perspective. The world does not revolve around you. Is that too complicated a concept to grasp? There's a lot of interesting things to hear if you stop to be quiet.
It is perhaps sad, then, that that is not how this world rolls. Everywhere you look, everywhere you turn, it's painfully obvious to see that those who actually bother to take the time to understand you and your problems are only part of a small minority. There's not much you can do with it except accept things for what they are.
So, herein lies the dilemma. If you choose to believe that people don't really care about you, you'll inevitably start to not care about anyone else. After all, why should you expend the effort if it won't be reciprocated? The problem is, if you did that, you would only be contributing to the problem, and it would only propagate further through you.
Mweh. In the words of Barry McGuire, "This whole crazy world is just too frustratin’"
In other news, I have 90MB left to last me to the end of the month before I go over my download limit. \o_O/ In hindsight, maybe I should have copied that Eye of the North update over to the laptop instead of downloading it all over again... >_>
If you copy and paste that symbol, every else you write afterwards will be reversed. d o_O