
Sep 14, 2006 23:12

Ahahaha, hilarious. I spent the last two days staying at work until after 8pm. Leave, take my time getting to a station, get on the first train available, get home around 10pm. Then it's eat, go to bed, and get up the next morning to do it all over again. I think I've spent a grand total of about 6 waking hours at home these past few days. But y'know, it's all good.

Today I figured I'd take my work home with me and work on it here, where the leftovers and microwave is. Y'know, just so I won't have to eat 20 minutes before going to bed again. Tried copying the executable to my phone which also doubles as a small portable hard drive. Figured I'd get the copy process started around 6, get out of the office by 7. Funny thing is I didn't realise just how slow the hard drive in my phone really is.
Thought it might be a good idea to be a bit picky about which files I copied to save time. Y'know, since not everything changes every day. Managed to bring it down to about 1GB worth of files and tried copying again. It took me a full hour to get that much across and I didn't leave the office until about 7:30pm. Aaand ended up waiting at the station for another 25 minutes for my train. Moral of the story, a phone is not a hard drive. :B

But the best part is when I did get that all home, the executable wouldn't run my level. It loads up just about every other freaking stinking level perfectly fine. But when I tried running my level, the program just terminates without any warnings or indication as to why it hates me. I'm thinking I could have saved myself a great deal of trouble if I just stayed at the office until 8pm again today. >_>

work, ramble

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