Boat Vent

Apr 10, 2006 06:03

I am really starting to get dissatisfied with the inaction of [boat] in resolving the current debacle that it’s in. It has been of concern to me for quite some time now, but now there are some things that I really feel that I have to say because I did not get any sleep last night stewing over this. Hisame has been on my case for a while to try and talk me into leaving the guild and its current woes, but I have urged him to have a little more patience in the hopes that the problems would be solved soon. Now I find that even my own patience is starting to wear thin.

The guild that I knew and loved is now getting lost in the current influx of people. Let’s not mince words here - who the fuck are these people and why the fuck are they even in our guild? Now, I know some of these people are former guildies of others who are in the guild. But really, that was their guild then and this is our guild now. Since when did we become an orphanage anyway?
Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I hate each and everyone of them. I quite like doing the occasion activities with a lot of them. But it really is a little detracting from the spirit of [boat]. Most of us, or should I say “some of us”, got to know each other over the course of several months before we even contemplated starting a formal guild together. Now it seems that anyone who has hung around with one or two members of the guild for a day or two is granted membership.
I am growing increasingly discontent with their constant in-your-face presence and the way that I have to choose what I say in guild chat carefully. For example, I have a bleached shell that I would like to offload to someone who may be in more of a need for one. But I don’t exactly want to advertise such a thing over the guild chat because someone whom I barely know or care about might want to take me up on that offer. Heck, I may as well be giving shit away to random strangers if that’s the case. And it’s not as if I can turn them down in any polite way either.

I do not want to sit back and watch passively as my favourite guild goes to shit. But it vexes me greatly that there is very little I can do other than to complain from the side lines. I have always been deeply disappointed that I was never made an officer of the guild given that since I have been with them since the very start, it’d be nice if I had some say in how it was run. I’d like to think if I deserved it, I’d probably get it. But seeing as how some others, who joined in on the fun much later than me are officers, I see that as a vote of no confidence in me. But that’s a personal matter for some other day.
Given that I have no authoritarian status and no mandate to affect the operations of the guild, there is very little I can do. I can not even take up my concerns with the upper echelons of the leadership as a whole and have so far been limited to taking it up with one or two people individually so far.
I hate going about it like this. As passionate as I am about seeing change as soon as possible, I feel like I am pushing some people into making decisions that they don’t seem ready to make. I feel like I am being a manipulative arsehole in this way and it doesn’t make me feel any better for it.

So what more can I do other than wait and see? The guild that I loved has become a train wreck of relatively random people and for what? So we could qualify for guild of the week? Even if we do happen to get that accolade with the current state the guild’s in, I don’t think it was worth it by a long shot.
I’ll probably hang around for a little while longer and see if I can lobby the powers that be to reduce the number of members a bit and get things back to the way it used to be. If there is still no real progress by the end of Friday, then I think Easter will be a good time to start looking for greener pastures. If anything, it’ll at least reduce the numbers by one more.

...Fuck, now I sound like a 10 year old. Eeeh, a night without sleep can do that I guess. =_=

guild wars

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