Sep 12, 2002 18:16
bleh...nothing much happening lately. Some really annoying kid is getting on my nerves, but that's nearly it.
My Georgia Tech hat seems to attrct somewhat crazy girls. First, Lori steals my hat and wears it while smiling insanly. Not that I don't mind...but that's beyond the point. Then Danielle from school steals it on some hat day and it takes me all day to track her down and find it before I leave for home. So that pretty much sums up my week...hat stealing. And Grant. Grant is one of those people who can make you laugh even if you were in the worst of moods. He randomly outbursts things like "I like fancy cheeses!" and "PANTS!" and so on and so fourth...makes me wonder how many times he gets into trouble for that..ah well.
Well, time to go. I'm working on an SD V-2 gundam, and I've got to go paint it before anyone sees it's horrible color-corridination. (it's foot is dark green! IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE BRIGHT RED!!!)