(no subject)

Nov 02, 2011 15:05

I know, I know, I haven't posted here in a while. I found a job back in September and between that and Tumblr eating my time, I just haven't thought about LJ.

I got my job as a cashier in September, and after only a month in, they promoted me to Customer Service Specialist - basically a cashier that can perform manager functions. My pay has gone from $8.25/hour to $10/hour. pretty sweet, huh? They treat me better there than Wally World ever did.

I need a new laptop ASAP, 'cause this one's keyboard doesn't work anymore ):

Last but not least, Tumblr plug time:

poppinlovecocktail || Sensational★Disney

The one on the left is my personal, and on the right is my Dizunii grafix (misspelled on purpose) Tumblr.
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