Seeing how the 31st of this month and 1st of April is Yuki and Haru's birthday, this seems like a good time to get this long due post up! Gonna keep this quick and short, so for a more detailed look into vol.1 and it's contents, check out
my previous review of it if you haven't already done so.
All six volumes shown in their glory! I really like the cover designs and what they've done with the backs of the slipcases. Volume 5's is kinda funny because it obscures Akira's gun from view. The bonus CDs of volumes 1 & 5 are extra OSTs and drama CDs for volumes 2 & 4 while volumes 3 & 6 come with bonus DVDs with great specials featuring the cast, all of which are highly recommended for fans. The main discs themselves also have audio commentary by the cast and staff along with the usual clean OP/ED and CMs.
Next we have the postcards of the cover arts and the bonus postcards by Haruko Ichikawa, Noizi Ito and Atsuya Uki which were included in volumes 1, 5 , and 6.
Here's a better look at them. Vol.6's card is upside down, dammit. >_<;
Multicoloured fold-out booklets! Each of them contain character info and background art. The other side of the booklets are just episode and bonus disc info and other credits. Volume 5's booklet in particular contains information you won't easily find elsewhere (or so I thought, until I noticed the Log Book has it too lol), namely the names of Akira's DUCK superiors! (Except George Ace, whose name was revealed on Twitter) Again for a look into the special illust booklet and Enoshima map, refer to the
vol.1 review.
From left to right, they are: George Ace, Big D! (The exclamation mark is part of his name it seems), Geiri King, Reiko Joker, Hilary Queen and Mina Jack.
Volume 6's booklet also has messages from director Kenji Nakamura and series composer Toshiya Ohno.
Filling the box every month was definitely a great feeling. Tsuritama is a wonderful show that never fails to put a smile on your face even when things got serious. It gives a sense of satisfaction coupled with the feeling that I just saw something great, something that does come often even with shows I highly enjoy. I'd go as far as to say this is near perfect.
Aaaand to top it all off, here's my current Tsuritama collection:
Vol 1-6, Visual Fanbook, Setting Book, Official Log Book, Short Films novel, two clear files and two pencilboards.
I kinda regret not getting the OP/ED singles when they first came out. I'll definitely be getting those, the OST, the DJCDs and possibly other stuff somewhere down the line. I can hear my wallet crying already. Expect a review for the books and whatever new stuff I get next time.