dont take any of this personally...

Jul 14, 2005 20:49

ya, maybe moving up to sc was a mistake, maybe i should just live in fl for the rest of my life, maybe i should just go to church every sunday, say my daily prayers and be a nice lil christian boy. fuck that. if moving up to sc was a mistake, so be it, it was my mistake, i made it on my own accord, i didnt do it cuz someone told me to. no way in ( Read more... )

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xbr0kentragedyx July 15 2005, 03:58:49 UTC
you know what, Yoshi? i don't know what your problem is or why you're so bitter, but people care about you. Maybe they don't i/m you everytime you frickin sign online, but could you ever stop to think that maybe they have problems of their own to deal with? And you left, remember? you moved away, never to return because you "hate florida" so effing much, and you think that you can have a better life up in sc, and you know what? If you can accomplish that, then more power to you, but don't you even sit there for ONE second and tell me that none of us care about you and don't you dare put other people to the ground because of the problems you have going on in your own head. don't sit there and talk crap about people's religions, especially christians because you know what? i am one, and i don't appreciate anyone talking bad about my christianity, my God, or my beliefs...and especially not coming from someone i thought was my friend. You can sit there and talk all the trash you want about how none of your friends care about you and about your own MOTHER who was probably just calling you to try to help you out, or maybe because God forbid, she cares about you and maybe misses you. No one here is trash-talking the money you make or the life that you lead. Have fun with it, do good, be happy...we all want you to. We're not trying to make you regret leaving to make something out of yourself at all, so don't say it. And just so you know, you've been online more times then just once every month,'re online a bit more then you think, so don't act like you returned from a long absence to find that no one cared about you because that's not true and you know it. To sum it up, quit complaining so much. People don't hate you, people don't degrade you..and don't you DARE trash-talk christians again because that is not a quality that i consider a part of friendship.



xbr0kentragedyx July 15 2005, 18:54:34 UTC
Word up, Brittany!
Yoshi, it sounds you have some medical issues to deal with. if you feel that lonely then you ought to consider anti-depressants. it sounds like you have a brother and niece near you and a lot going for you. if you hate christians so much, why did you move to the bible belt? i think a large part of your problem is that you don't know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior! this does not mean rules; it means complete freedom!!! check it out while you are in the bible belt, it is much different than the mormon stuff you are used to. it will also let you meet some of the coolest people you will ever know. freedom is what you crave? only way to complete freedom is through Jesus. don't believe me? try it out... for real this time!


xbr0kentragedyx July 15 2005, 23:12:21 UTC
thanks anonymous person! lol.
Yoshi, i hope that you don't think people are ganging up on you. we all want the best for you.


yoshi911 July 16 2005, 00:27:40 UTC
ya, like the title says, dont take it personally.
i dont hate you cuz your christian or anything like that.
that speal was mainly an observation and evaluation.
and again, notice the mood, i was really really pissed when i wrote that.
so ya, it was just a vent, i am fine.


yoshi911 July 16 2005, 00:24:06 UTC
'bible belt'
never heard that term untill a few days ago
ya i did look around for a while at the different sects of christianity, that is how i know they all hate each other. around here... in the 'bible belt' there are more than 5 times as many churches than there are mcdonalds, so i know that each and every one of them cant hate eachother but still, it doesnt make sense for the ones that do. Ya, i do have a great older brother, sis-in-law, and now neice, and ya, i have alot going for me. Anti-depresants dont replace friends.
i am medically fine also... notice my mood was irate, this was just a full out explosion, i am fine now. everyone needs to just release all their steam and vent off, cuz if you dont, thats when you need medical attention.
oh and by the way if you read this again... notice that i have the ip option on. pretty sure we will be talking more on these subjects.


xbr0kentragedyx July 16 2005, 01:00:23 UTC
um..just because some religions hate each other, doesn't mean that they all do as you just said above ^^, so why do you sit there acting like all christians suck? that's not cool


yoshi911 July 16 2005, 00:04:18 UTC
funny thing here...
everything i said bout religions are true, and i dont take them back at all, i stand behind them all the way.
good for you for being christian, but you being christian doesnt change one 'god' damned thing.


xbr0kentragedyx July 16 2005, 00:31:52 UTC
you know what? we don't "shove" religion down your throat, in fact, we probably leave you alone with it most of the time if you're obviously completely uninterested. You don't have to take back what you said about us, but you know what?? That large amount of respect that i use to have for you has become microscopic..and that is not my fault at all. that's yours. you don't know anything about christians if you sit there thinking that we just throw God in your face everytime you turn around and especially if you think that we are of no significance to anyone. We may not be to you (which is extremely sad, by the way), but God means a lot to someone out there, and we are just showing his message and his light to the world full of lost and broken people such as yourself. Don't say that we don't know anything about hurt, loss, or a world of pain, because we do. Trust me, i do. My family has gone through soo much within the passed few years, and i know a lot about all of the pain of the world, and if one thing got me through that it is God and knowing that someone out there was thinking of me. Don't talk bad about christians. We're not "sticks in the mud"'s not like we don't know how to have any fun because you can have fun and not have to do something stupid in order to experience it. but, you you said, i shouldn't take any of this, i guess i'm done.


yoshi911 July 16 2005, 13:26:39 UTC
glad your done, i didnt say most of the stuff you just bitched about.


andraeakrum April 21 2008, 00:44:06 UTC
did you know that during the Holy Crusades and in the Western Indies, Christians killed millions of people because they weren't willing to convert? don't you find that ironic? how they say they are religious and yet they are committing mass murders.
"we are just showing his message and his light to the world full of lost and broken people"
that right there is an example of the egotistical Christian mentality. how Christians think they are better than other people because they have religion. while you're believing in an imaginary figure to represent a powerful being, i'll determine my own destiny, work hard, and get where i want to go without God. you don't need him. and to have this missionary-esque idea about spreading the word, you're no better than the people who killed millions. because now you're degrading others and forcing them to do what you deem is right.
the Christian faith believes in free will- that people do whatever they want and if they commit a sin, God will forgive them and all is well. so if there is free will, then that means that those who aren't Christian should not be forced to convert to a religion they have no interest in.
put that in your pipe and smoke it.


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