My september 2010 biographie update

Sep 01, 2010 16:11

I managed to get accepted at the Sophia University and I am really going to spend a semester in Tokyo!!I still can't believe it..*unbelievably happy* now I am anticipating it and of course there is also a little bit of concern/anxiety since I don't know what is coming up...
Besides, I am very surprised that I was really able to keep this challenge, to continue posting pictures here regurlarly...even though I didn't manage to post sth every day as a diary would imply, I still kept coming and posting without getting tired of or addicted to it...
the summer break gave me the opportunity to see if I can take a break from here to, which was also, I think I am prepared for this new episode, to finally start my Japan-diary and fullfill the purpose of this blog which was an exercice preparing me for my semester in Japan in order to keep my friends informed and have an insight or memory of it ^-^
Now that this is said, i can start the Japan-picture-diary without any negative-self-esteem-related-i-never-finish-what-i-started-thughts ^-^

explanation, update

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