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Sakumoto! ^_^ yoshi09 March 20 2009, 03:42:44 UTC
Pairing: Sho/Jun
Rating: PG
Dedicated to: Junbait
(I hope you enjoy my first Arashi-centric fic)

He was doing it again.

He was brushing his hand through his hair.

And as if that wasn’t enough he flicked his bangs out of his face in that signature way only he could pull off.

Matsumoto Jun.

Sakurai Sho caught himself staring for the nth time that day and diverted his attention back to his magazine, flipping through the pages much too quickly. Photoshoots lately have been much more difficult to concentrate in. Concerts were fine, at least there was thousands of screaming fans to keep him distracted. Shows were okay too as the guests were usually entertaining enough to help him keep focus. But photoshoots were hell.

“Matsumoto-san, tilt your head a little more to the other camera, onegaishimasu.”

Jun did as he was told, tilting his head forward and smirking, his jacket flapping dramatically due to the strong fan in front of him. The camera flashed, and Jun automatically changed his pose again.

Sho shook his head quickly. Sho! He’s your band mate. Your friend of many years. You’re straight!

Sho wasn’t so sure about the last thought.

He looked over his shoulder at his other band mates in the feeble attempt to not burn a hole through Jun’s shirt from the amount of staring he was doing.

Nino was playing his DS- nothing new.

Aiba was off to go get some curry, or at least Sho thought he said curry, knowing Aiba he could have said, ‘Get something furry.’

Ohno was staring at a blank wall next to Nino.

Sho sighed. This was going to be a very very long day.

“Can you pretend you’re taking off your jacket?” asked one of the photographers.

Jun did so, slowly. Sho put his hands in his head- Why must they ask him to start stripping now?


He’s not stripping if it’s one article of clothing.


Stripping is still stripping if he’s taking any clothes off. No matter what amount.


Sho jerked out of his reverie at the sound of Jun calling his name to meet the inquisitive looks of the photography crew and Matsumoto Jun.


“We’ve been calling your name for awhile now. You okay?” Jun asked. He had taken off his jacket altogether and was left only in his white wife beater. Sho was staring again. “Sho-kun?”

“Hm? Oh. Yes. I’m fine. Fine.” He put his magazine aside.

“We’d like you to pose with Matsumoto-san for the next few shots,” one of the photographers said.

“No problem.” Sho got up, slapping his thighs, as if there was debris on them. He walked over to stand next to Jun. The camera flashed.

“Okay, can you two stand closer together?”

Sho shifted closer to Jun, trying very hard to look straight at the camera.

“Sakurai-san, you’re so stiff. Can you give us a smile?”

Sho gave an expression that looked closer to a grimace than anything else. The camera flashed again.

Jun draped his arm leisurely on Sho’s shoulder for his next pose.

The casual movement made Sho look at Jun.

There was a pop as the camera took another shot.

Jun glanced at Sho.

Another click, this time from another camera.

He kissed Sho on the cheek.

Camera flashes everywhere.

“Great! Very good shots! Let’s get Ninomiya-san, Ohno-san and Aiba-san in the shot please. Eh? Where is Aiba-san?” Ohno and Nino made their way over for the next photo session as a crew member went to go find Aiba. The photographers and crew started tinkering with their respective equipment in the meantime.

Jun took this opportunity to whisper in Sho’s ear, “It’s just fan service, but if I didn’t know any better I’d say that blush of yours is really convincing.” Jun was yet to remove his arm from Sho’s shoulder.

“I know it’s fan service.” Sho said defensively, still blushing, “I’m blushing for the camera.”

Jun smirked.

“Besides,” Sho said haughtily, yet to move away from Jun’s touch. “This blush is nothing compared to what your blush will look like in the next shots.”

“Oh, really?” Jun challenged.

“Definitely. I’ll make you blush triple the red I am now.”

“I look forward to seeing you try.”

“Oh, I will.” Sho promised. The two young men grinned at each other as Ohno and Nino walked to either side of them. The photographers readied their cameras.



Re: Sakumoto! ^_^ junbait March 20 2009, 04:27:32 UTC
THANK YOU!!! OMG! I wish that photoshoot was real! they don't NEARLY interact as much in real life T__T


Re: Sakumoto! ^_^ yoshi09 March 20 2009, 05:10:31 UTC
Lol... it is a bit unfortunate, hm? Even though I don't ship Sakumoto personally (Ohmiya fan here, myself... minor guilt for being so intrigued by Juntoshi though <.<) I will never forget that little exchange between then in VS Arashi where Jun says he's "attacking" and Sho says he's attacking too, but meant to say defend. We all know Jun really just wants to "top" Sho. *sighs* I really wish I could find that Youtube video again. x_x

I'm glad you liked it! Definitely out of my usual, but it was fun!! *hug*


Re: Sakumoto! ^_^ junbait March 20 2009, 05:16:30 UTC
the vid was deleted T___T
I actually like Juntoshi A LOT as well but salwaphoenix already asked for it; I'll be reading that one for sure! *hugs back*


Re: Sakumoto! ^_^ yoshi09 March 20 2009, 05:18:48 UTC
Teehheee... yeah, I'm trying to decide which plot I want to write for that one. I've been tempted to write Juntoshi for so long and now that I have the opportunity to write a full-fledged one I'm "stuck." Haha. x_x


Re: Sakumoto! ^_^ yoshi09 May 12 2009, 00:59:15 UTC
I thought you might enjoy this:


It's a really pretty story about your sought-after Sakumoto pairing.



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