(no subject)

Dec 20, 2012 13:39

Title: Lead Me Astray
Pairing: Ohno Satoshi/Inoue Mao
Length: Long one-shot, 7785 words
Rating: M
Warning: This is smut. I was just playing with the idea that Ohno is good at everything he puts his mind to. Like kissing. Foreplay. And sex.
Summary: Ohno Satoshi escorts Inoue Mao home after a party. Mao decides to invite him in.

Inoue Mao giggled and shook her head. “No, I really should be going home now. I have work in the morning.”

“She's always ready with those excuses!” Ninomiya Kazunari said, jokingly annoyed.

Oguri Shun was throwing the first party he had since he had gotten married and invited quite a few of his friends in the industry. As usual, the party had plentiful food and a lot of alcohol. Mao had become a staple to these get togethers since filming Hana Yori Dango with Shun and she got to know a majority of her closest friends through them. Nino was one of them, Toma was another, Jun was a given. Her eyes naturally sought out one pair of eyes in particular but her perusal was interrupted when Shun called her attention from the doorway.

“Mao, taxi's outside.”

Mao gave Nino a pointed look. “And the taxi is outside. It'd be rude to make the driver wait.”

Nino laughed. “Fine, go. Your company is stuffy anyway.”

She pushed him playfully and slipped on her flats before she went to the door to give Shun a good bye hug.

“Oi!” Nino called.

Mao turned, ready for another snide remark from her snarky friend, but her expression softened instantly when she saw who was walking towards her.

Nino continued teasingly, “Forgetting something?”

Ohno Satoshi stopped next to her. He was wearing his usual casual garb- brown jacket over a white graphic tee, paired with worn-in jeans, and a baseball cap to top it off. He smiled sheepishly when he met her eyes.

“I was looking for you!” Mao reached up to tap the bill of his cap playfully so it fell over his eyes. “Where were you all night?”

Ohno's smile widened as he readjusted the cap onto his head. “Near the food.”

Mao giggled delightedly. Of course he would be near the food.

“Hey, isn't there a taxi or something waiting for you?” Nino asked, joining the reunion.

“Right.” Mao said. She turned to Ohno, “Ready to go?”

He nodded. Shun opened the door and there was a crisp gust of wind as the cold air outside swept into the house.

“Ah!” Mao said surprised. “It's raining already!”

Sure enough, there was a light shower outside.

“Are you going to be okay just like that?” Shun asked, eyeing Mao's strapless, blue cotton dress. There were buttons that ran all the way down the front of the dress and looked about as warm as a regular collared shirt.

Mao misinterpreted the glance and patted her hair wrapped into a bun atop her head absently. “It should be fine if I cover it...”

“We should run before it gets heavier.” Ohno suggested. He ran out the door before he could hear her response.

“Riida, wait up!” Mao laughed and ran after him, squealing as she got wet. Ohno got to the car and had the car door open
for her right as she got there and she went inside immediately.

Shun and Nino watched as Ohno said some kind of joke they couldn't hear and Mao giggled in response before he went into the car after her and shut the door. They watched the taxi drive away in silence. Shun spoke first.

“Since when did Satoshi start escorting girls home?”

Nino shrugged. “Not girls. Just Mao-chan.”

Shun was intrigued by this new information but kept his face politely interested. “Is there something between them...?”

“It's a thing he did ever since she told us a story about weird stalkers around her apartment.” Nino's eyes were far away, watching the rain fall. “He took her home that night and has been doing it after every party we're at together since. He'll be back though- he just makes sure she gets in okay.” Nino turned to Shun, smiling easily. “But it's probably better not to tell everyone about it. Let's go inside, yeah? It's freezing out here.”

Nino went in first but Shun paused, looking toward the direction the taxi had turned a corner and out of a sight. He wasn't entirely convinced of Nino's story, but Mao wasn't one to hold out on secrets from Shun. Maybe it meant nothing at all like Nino said. Shun walked back inside to rejoin the party, closing the door after himself.


Mao was laughing hard. She was leaning heavily onto Ohno's shoulder for balance with her forearm, her forehead pressed against it in mirth. Ohno was grinning widely, looking down at the top of her head with no indication of pushing her away. She did so anyway, just so they could continue their little game. Her other hand had slipped into his a couple minutes ago, and his fingers curled naturally between hers, with the practiced, effortless ease of doing so many times before. Mao tugged him to her so he could look out the window again with her.

“And that one?”

Ohno followed the direction of her index finger, pointing at something outside the rain-splattered window.

“Looks tired.”

Mao giggled again, clearly amused. “How does that car look tired?”

Ohno shifted so he was leaning even closer to her, pointing at parts of the car for emphasis. “The license plate is kind of bent up, making it look like a lop-sided tongue. And the headlights are down-turned at the outer corners so it looks droopy. The car front is dirty too so it's like an old, unshaven man. Overall the car looks like me in the morning.”

Mao burst in a torrent of giggles and Ohno started laughing too- her laughter was a contagious wave of happiness.

They had been in the taxi for a little under 20 minutes now, traffic lights slowing their progression. In that time, the sky had begun a steady downpour of rain and the driver turned the windshield wipers on. Their laughter finally subsided and Mao, noticing the rhythm of the wipers, had mischievously began to rock slowly left and right with each swish, her rocking steadily becoming wider and wider until she was bumping into Ohno's shoulder. Ohno who had been looking at the window to personify another car thought it was a legitimate accident and apologized but when she bumped into him the third time a smile lifted his lips and he immediately began returning her playful bumping.

By the fourth return bump from Ohno, Mao was giggling so hard Ohno could barely make out her conceding squeal. Ohno stopped and Mao rubbed her shoulder in mock pain but as he began to ask if he hurt her she bumped into his upper arm again.

A disbelieving smile lit his features. “Hey! Didn't you surrend-”

Her kiss was quick, soft and silenced him immediately. Before Ohno had properly registered she even kissed him, she was already pulling away, eyes twinkling in mischief.

He stared at her for a brief second, then using the hand already holding hers, pulled her back to him with an abrupt jerk.
“Where do you think you're going?” he murmured.

The crush of his lips upon hers were not so much unexpected as they were anticipated.

Mao returned the kiss with equal fervor, hands already moving to slide over his torso, pulling herself closer to him by his waist. Ohno's fingers smoothed over her hips, up the small of her back, traced the lines of her naked shoulderblades in the way he knew she liked. Her responding soft whimper into his mouth was all the confirmation he needed. He pulled away to breathe, and she moved her lips down to kiss his jawline, his throat, his pulse.

They kissed before, many times, but not like this. Mao didn't remember which taxi ride it was when they started this unspoken tradition, nor did she remember who started it, all she knew was that it was a game they probably shouldn't have started playing.

She was on her back and she didn't remember how she got there. Ohno was pulling off his jacket above her, and Mao wet her lips unconsciously as she watched him toss it with fluid ease to the floor of the taxi. His cap followed after the jacket and then his lips were upon hers again, his arm to one side of her to balance himself up over her body. Ohno's mouth was about as skillful as his dance steps, as breathtaking as the clarity in his singing voice- his lips were yielding and soft but he controlled them with a firm, decadent fluency. Mao's restrained sigh of frustration as he pulled away was interrupted when she felt his tongue on her neck, licking down to her collarbone. The sensation was punctuated with his fingertips running up her exposed outer thigh... he never did that before. Her eyes fluttered close as she bit her lip to keep from yelling out. Her hand went up to grab a fistful of his hair and she gave it a rough tug up to pull him back up to her lips, and an answering soft grunt of pleasure reverberated from his throat at her not-so-gentle play. She was kissing him, hard, almost feverishly- his hand had wandered slowly to her inner thigh... higher, higher still... and the fire he stoked there was making her impatient, breathless.

The taxi stopped, bouncing them forward, forcing their lips apart and jerking them out of their reverie. “We're here.” the driver said. There was a hint of something else in his tone- teasing? Annoyance? Mao flushed and patted her hair down unconsciously. Ohno easily pushed himself off of her, as if nothing had transpired between them. She went to open the door, found it was locked, and spent the next few long seconds awkwardly fumbling for the lock before pulling the door latch again. She stepped out into the crisp, cold night air, her flats clacking noisily onto the wet sidewalk. The rain had stopped, at least for the moment. She took deep, long inhales in a fruitless attempt to calm herself of whatever just happened. She didn't know what changed, what had come over her- them. She turned around to see Ohno climbing out after her. He had put his jacket back on and his baseball hat, low over his eyes. He closed the door after him and stuffed his hands in his pockets, looking every bit the aloof, reserved quiet man that Mao had once thought he was when she first met him years ago. Images of his mouth teasing a burning line of fire down her throat to her collarbone resurfaced in her mind.

“Do you want me to wait?”

The words startled Mao and it took her a second to realize where they came from. The night had begun a very light shower and the taxi's windshield wipers were starting their rhythmic swish again. The taxi door window was slightly ajar and the driver leaned forward across the passenger seat, waiting for Mao's answer.

Mao looked over at Ohno, and he met her eyes steadily. His lips were till wet from her mouth. She could still feel the hot sting of his fingertips- slow, torturous, as they slid over her thigh. She didn't break eye contact with him when her answer came out of her lips. “No.”

Ohno smiled. Just a little. Mao felt a blush coloring her cheeks.

The taxi driver said something “Good night” or “Good luck” it was hard to tell. Mao wasn't listening. The car went into gear, pulled away.

She forced herself to turn around and walk toward her apartment before the rational, careful part of her could pull out her mobile and call another taxi to pick up mega idol Ohno Satoshi from her curb.

Ohno knew the protocol and didn't start following Mao until she was good few meters ahead. She heard the scuff of his shoes as they hit the pavement behind her.

She waved an electronic key over the lock mechanism at the back entrance of her apartment and the door automatically opened. She waited for Ohno and a couple seconds later he was there, wordlessly stepping through the doorway. Mao knew Ohno wasn't the type to put cologne on, but there was a soft musk lingering underneath the scent of alcohol and cigarettes as he passed her that she was surprised she hadn't noticed before. Probably too distracted by his kiss. She closed the door behind them and then walked to the elevator where he waited. She hadn't seen him look at her once since he started to follow her, and even as they waited for the elevator to come down together, there was a distinct sense of distance they were carefully placing between them in case someone were to walk by. But they both knew, at this time of night, anyone would recognize them immediately and no one would be fool enough to assume they weren't both going into the same apartment.

The elevator doors slid open and Mao stepped in. Ohno followed. She leaned against the provided rail on the elevator wall before pressing the button to her floor. Ohno did the same on the opposite end, pulling his hands from his pockets, locking his elbows and placing his hands calmly on the railing on either side of him so his hands provided that extra, casual balance. Mao idly thought he looked posed for a photoshoot.

As soon as the doors closed, Ohno's eyes flicked to Mao's.

Her breath hitched and her eyes automatically darted away and to the floor. She couldn't stop the small smile from spreading her lips.

She half expected Ohno to saunter over to her, take advantage of the moment of privacy the escape of the elevator granted. But he didn't. No words exchanged between them. She could only feel the weight of his deliberate gaze, as if daring her to look back up and meet his eyes. Mao liked this game.

She looked back up at him, and felt a wave of embarrasment at the directness of his attention. His gaze was steady. Everything about this man was steady. Confident. Methodical. Unhurried. They locked eyes for three seconds, four, five- Mao bit her lower lip. Ohno's eyes attended the movement, breaking eye contact. Mao smiled mischeviously. She mouthed 'I won.' Ohno started to smile back but the doors began to open and his face was blank again.

Mao led the way out of the elevator, the clicking of her heels muffled by the carpetted floor. She was relieved to find no one in the hallway. She turned a corner and pulled her keys back out of her bag, searching through them to find the one for her door. Ohno came up behind her.

He was standing close. Too close. Mao was going to turn and scold him playfully, but he placed his fingertips on her elbows. The touch sent a literal spark through her and she jumped at the contact. He locked his hands and smoothed the rest of his fingers, his palm, over the sides of her elbows- slowly. Mao had to remind herself to breathe. Ohno leaned his head closer to hers, so close she could see his baseball cap clearly in her peripheral. He breathed in deeply and let his breath out slowly through his mouth so that she could feel the hot puff brush over her neck, onto her shoulders. He cupped his hands and moved them up her bare upper arms, and her skin broke out in goosebumps in response. She was shivering visibly- her senses were so on edge that every movement he did felt tormentingly exquisite. His lips were so close to her shoulder that she felt more than heard him whisper “So soft.”

She couldn't stand it anymore. She turned around within his grasp and cupped his face between her hands, guiding his face- his mouth- to hers. Back was that perfect mixture of firmness and yielding that was his lips. She hadn't realized she missed it and it had only been a couple minutes. She wanted to ravish them, kiss him so hard their lips would be bruised the next day, mold the shape of his mouth into hers- he backed her against her apartment door, knocking a small whimper from her. Mao dropped her keys and she didn't care. Her hands wound up his neck, flattened through the softness of his locks, her fingers curling in the dark bath of his hair. Ohno's baseball cap knocked off and fell to the floor behind him. She was idly aware of his dexterous fingers slowly unbuttoning the front of her dress. She needed to breathe, but to breathe meant to pull her lips from his and she decided she would rather die than deprive herself of one more second of his incredible, skillful mouth. Ohno pulled away and before Mao could protest his lips assaulted the sensitive skin at the juncture of her shoulder and neck, suckling and kissing in such a way that Mao's back arched and her head rocked back. She let out a soft exaltation of his name- half curse word, half pleading. He felt so good- she wanted to climb into the soft mattress of his lips, jump onto the bed of his tongue- the hushed “ding” of the elevator door pulled them quickly from their deep haze of lust. They heard the elevator door start to slide open.

Ohno quickly dropped to the floor to grab her keys and handed them to Mao. Mao was holding her dress together as Ohno had somehow unbuttoned half of it without her notice, and fumbled to find the right key to her apartment. They heard the soft footfalls of someone walking down the hall. Mao found her key and went to unlock her door- missing the hole once, twice- she pushed the key into the lock, unlocked it and she shoved the door open. Ohno pushed them both inside and Mao was about to force the door closed when she realized his baseball cap was still outside. She moved to grab it but Ohno's mouth was at her ear, his hand pulling her back- “Leave it.”

The weighted door closed by itself, locking automatically with a soft click, leaving her apartment bathed in the hazy street light from outside. The rain had started falling in thick sheets since they came into her apartment, casting strange shadows to play upon her windows and throughtout the room. The silence was so absolute Mao could hear her own heartbeat hammering against her ears. She let out a soft, shaky giggle. They almost got caught. She leaned her back against the door, breathless, her arms still holding up her dress to her. Ohno leaned on the door next to her with a lop-sided smile.

Mao looked lazily over at him. “How are we going to get your hat back?”

Ohno shook his head a little. “I have more at home.”

She nodded, a little relieved, still breathing heavily as if she had been running.

They stayed like that for a moment, Mao catching her breath, Ohno watching her silently with a smile.

Mao looked over at him. Her eyes visibly swept from his eyes to the dark locks of his hair, before wandering over the rest of his face.

Ohno lifted his hand tentatively to her cheek. He paused, almost a hesitation, a breath away from touching her, before his hand continued on past her cheekbones, her temple, and up to the top of her hair. He pulled the pin holding her tresses in a tight bun and her hair immediately unravelled- tumbling over her cheeks, bouncing on her shoulder, cascading to her back. He took a moment to follow the curves in her hair from being kept up in a bun so long, trace the flushed quality of her face from the excitement of almost being caught, to the kiss-bruised shade of red on her lips. “Beautiful.” he murmured.
She looked down shyly, unconsciously pushing some of her hair behind her ear, pulling it over her shoulder. Ohno's eyes followed the movement. She dropped her hand and her hair fell back like a curtain over her exposed neck and Ohno's hand quickly moved to catch the hair. The back of his fingers brushed her skin and she leaned into his touch, eyes fluttering closed. He took that as an invitation to move closer. He leaned in, breathing in her sweet, fruity scent once more. “You smell like paradise.” he husked against her skin, picking up where they left off. Her skin broke out in ripples of goosebumps from where his breath touched. His lips kissed the curve of his shoulder, softly. He did that again, and again, peppering soft kisses along her shoulder, to her neck.

“What... what are we doing?” Mao asked breathily, her head falling forward to allow him easier access.

“I can call the taxi back.” Ohno muttered, his mouth starting that delicious combination of kissing and sucking along the length of her nape.

“No...” she said, her voice soft. “It's raining outside.” She pulled away from him, letting her dress go and it fell a couple inches lower to expose the tops of her breasts and the edge of her strapless bra. Her hands pushed off the unzipped jacket from his shoulders. It fell to the floor. “You should stay here for the night.” Her hands went to the hem of his shirt. “I don't want you catching a cold.”

He caught her hands, and pulled her closer. He turned his head and kissed just where her jawline ended, beneath her ear. “If you insist- haa~”

Ohno suddenly jerked away from her and Mao turned to see what caused such a reaction.

Ohno chuckled, looking down towards his feet in amusement.

There, wagging her tail in excitement, was Mao's small Boston Terrier, awake and out to investigate. She pawed Ohno's toes excitedly.

“Hug-chan!” Mao scolded, leaning down to pick up her small pet. Hug-chan's ears went down slightly at the tone in Mao's voice, unsure of what it did wrong.

“Ah. He's cute.” Ohno said, reaching forward to rub the small dog behind the ears.

“She.” Mao corrected gently. “And she also has the worst timing sometimes.” Mao gave her pet a wrinkle of her nose, and Hug-chan licked her cheek, as if in apology. “Well, since you're out here. Riida, this is Hug-chan. Hug-chan, Riida.”
Ohno smiled and pat the dog twice on the head.

“All right, so now that we're introduced, I am putting you back into your room.” Mao moved to take off her flats before padding into the apartment. Ohno followed her example and took his own shoes off and shuffled in after her. He didn't bother to pick up his jacket.

“Your dog has her own room?”

“This is a two bedroom apartment.” Mao said over her shoulder as she walked through her home. “Hug-chan's room doubles as a guest room but she sleeps with me sometimes or when I have guests over. Tonight, she gets her own room.” She went into a short hallway at the far side of her apartment and opened the first door to her left. “Oh, there's a light switch by the kitchen close to you.”

Ohno immediately sought it out in the dim lighting and flipped it. The kitchen light turned on, basking the apartment with a white glow. Mao was just closing the door of the guest room behind her. Ohno noticed she was holding her dress up again. “I'm going to get changed. I'll be right out. Feel free to help yourself to anything.”

He watched her turn and walk toward the room at the end of the hall. The way her dress fell loosely about her was tempting- it was like seeing her hold just a towel to her body, and with her hair free like that...

Mao stepped into her room and then paused. She looked over her shoulder briefly and gave him the smallest of smiles before disappearing into her room. She left the door slightly ajar.

Ohno could take a hint. He walked through the hall and stopped right in front of her door. He leaned slightly forward so only his head would past the doorway and looked into her room.

The room was cozy, most of it taken up by a queen size bed layered with an impressive comforter, and an array of pillows. Her walls were a explosion of things she loved- pictures of friends, paintings, photographs of landscapes. Mao was near her bed, unbuttoning her dress. She glanced over her shoulder. “Are you going to help me?” She smirked a little, “Or just watch like a perverted, old man?”

He didn't need any more prompting. He came up behind her, leaning down to swipe her hair to the side and kiss the curve of her shoulder. In one swift movement he undid her bra, just as her dress dropped to the floor. His hands moved to caress the newly exposed expanse of skin across her hips, up her stomach. Mao shied from his hands, pulling away from him. She turned around, arms across her breasts, holding up her unclasped bra in a teasing show of modesty. She sat down on the bed with an impish smile.

“What about you? You're still dressed.”

Ohno gave her a lop-sided, almost sheepish smile, as if she had scolded him. He took no time reaching behind his neck to grab the collar of his shirt, pulling it off easily in the way she liked. Mao bit her lip as he discarded the shirt to the floor, making quick work of his jeans.

“Wait.” Mao said, stopping him. He looked up at her curiously, in mid-unbutton of his jeans, the expression on his face so innocent it only enhanced his sexy image as he stood, shirtless and relaxed in front of her. Mao reached forward to grab his jeans by the loopholes, effectively dropping her bra to the floor. Ohno's eyes darted immediately to her chest but his attention was instantly veered elsewhere as Mao drew him to her by his jeans. She licked a line down his abdomen, following his happy trail, while her fingers finished undoing his jeans button. Her fingers slowly inched his zipper down. She was very aware of how his breathing changed, quick, anticipatory.

Somewhere in the background she heard her phone buzzing by her lampdesk but she ignored it.

Mao spread her legs idly, pulling him even closer so he was between her thighs, and she looked up at him. He was looking down at her with a primal expression that clenched things low in her body, and she gave him a languid smile before she began pulling down his jeans over his hips, and his bulging erection, kept only at bay by his boxer-briefs. She pushed his jeans down to his knees and he kicked them the rest of the way off. Mao looked up at him again, biting her bottom lip, and her hands reached up to grab him, two-handed, through his underwear. He groaned, a manly, incredibly hot sound, that Mao badly wanted to hear again and she gave him one slow stroke down, and then up. Ohno exhaled sharply. She let go of him to pull down his underwear as well, but he placed his hands gently at her wrists.

“Not yet.” he said, quietly.

He knelt so he was level with her and kissed her fully, slowly on the mouth, in that one-minded focus that was how Ohno did everything. When he pulled away Mao was breathless. “I want to try something first.” He said, sliding a hand through her hair. Mao thought it interesting, but not surprising that even in sex, Ohno seemed completely in his element. She nodded, unsure if she would have been able to say no after such an amazing kiss. “Scoot back onto the bed.”

Mao did so, crawling backwards until her back hit the pillows, Ohno crawling after her in such an unhurried, graceful way Mao could only think to describe it as predatory.

His mouth met hers again, but only briefly, and then he moved down, his lips grazing her neck, down lower, to her collarbone, lower, lower still. His mouth took in her left nipple fully and she gasped, her hand reaching up to press his head to her. His other hand reached up to pinch her other nipple between his thumb and forefinger and Mao's fisted his hair in her hand.

The phone started buzzing again.

Ohno moved to attend to her other nipple, licking between the valley of her breasts and Mao sighed in encouragement. He lapped at the undersides of her breasts, licking down to her ribcage with the tip of his tongue.

The phone kept buzzing. Mao let out a frustrated grown and reached over to grab it. 'Nino'

“It's Nino.” Mao said. Ohno nodded in comprehension, kissing down her stomach. Mao let the phone go to voicemail.
Ohno hands grazed down the sides of her body and she moaned throatily at the contact. The phone started ringing again. Certain that this wasn't going to stop, Mao ran a hand through Ohno's hair to wordlessly tell him to stop for a moment. He did so, laying his cheek flush onto her stomach as she flipped open the phone this time.

“Hey Nino.” She said as groggily as possible.

Nino sounded irritated. “Finally!”

Ohno and Mao both smiled at his loud, bratty response. “Sorry,” Mao said, running her hand through Ohno's hair. Ohno kissed her stomach. “I was sleeping.”

“Or dead. I sent you eight texts and called you a billion times before you woke up. Is Riida heading back yet?”
Ohno had propped himself onto his elbow and started tracing patterns on her stomach, sufficiently distracting her. She closed her eyes for a moment, enjoying his casual ministrations.


“Oh sorry, was falling asleep-” Mao gave Ohno a pointed look, and he just smiled at her. Mao fell back onto her pillow rubbing her temples. “Um, I don't know- did you call him?”

“I would, but the idiot left his phone here. And what do you mean 'you don't know?'” Nino sounded distinctly annoyed. “Is he there with you?”

“Yes, last time I checked he was sleeping on the couch in my living room. We talked for awhile and it's raining so I told him to just stay over until-” she gasped loudly.

“What? What happened?” Nino asked hurriedly.

Ohno was licking the skin right underneath the waistband of her panties. She pushed the phone against the mattress, her toes curling, heels digging into her bed as she squeezed her eyes shut at the incredible sensation. She opened her eyes just in time to see Ohno's hands reach up and- Mao's head fell back and she moaned throatily. His index finger was tracing up and down her outer fold through the thin, wet fabric of her panties. Somewhere in the background she could hear Nino's small voice yelling at her to tell her what was happening- Ohno pulled his head up from his licking to look at her for just a moment, barely hovering over where his hands relentlessly teased her.

“Look at me.” he said, his voice deep with arousal. Mao did so, willing to do anything he asked for at the moment, and as soon as their eyes locked, Ohno pulled away his finger and licked her through the fabric without missing a beat of his rhythm. Mao almost came right there.

She could hear Nino's voice yelling for her attention. “Mao! Did you hang up on me? Hello?” She picked it up, her words coming out in a breathless rush, “Sorry, dropped the phone. Ohno's busy. Call you back later.” She shut her phone and threw it across the room, not caring where it landed.

Ohno's tongue kept its rhythm, his eyes never leaving hers as he dug his tongue deeper into the crevice of her center. Just when Mao was certain it could not get any better, Ohno pulled back just a moment, swiped her panties to the side and began licking her with the same skill and deliberation that he kissed her with, one of his fingers easing inside of her. Mao's eyes closed of their own volition and she screamed his name, her back arching off the bed. When she opened them again, she looked down to see Ohno kicking off the remainder of his underwear, his other hand that wasn't focused on pleasing her, wrapped around his hard length. Their eyes locked again and in her peripheral vision Mao could see him stroking his length at the same rhythm as he fingered her. It was the most erotic things she ever experienced. His tongue flickered expertly over her clit and she closed her eyes, feeling the familiar winding behind her stomach pull- her hands reached out, grasping, grabbing the sheets, the pillows, his hair, trying to hold onto anything to anchor her in this intense thunderstorm of pleasure- she came so hard she saw lights behind her eyes, she rocked against his mouth, screaming his name desperately. She was breathing hard and when she cameto, she saw Ohno with his own eyes closed, kneeling in front of her stroking himself to the throes of her orgasm. Mao felt dazed with the aftermath, but ridiculously sexy, and she wanted badly to contribute to his pleasure and crawled forward. She grabbed his forearm. “Let me.” His hand stopped and he looked at her in confusion before his head fell back as Mao took his tip into her mouth.

Her lips went down his length, and she relaxed her throat so she wouldn't gag when the tip of his penis hit the back of her mouth. He pulled her hair to one side so he could watch as her lips met the base of his penis and she worked her way back up again, her tongue sliding deliciously side to side. She did this again and again, working up an easy rhythm and Ohno let out a soft hiss at the sensation. Ohno began moving his hips up to meet her mouth and after a moment he stopped her gently with a hand on her head. Mao looked up at him in confusion, a string of saliva between her mouth and the tip of his penis. Ohno had to look away for a moment to regain his concentration. “I don't want to come just yet.” he said, his voice thick and almost unrecognizable with how aroused he was. “Can I...?” he looked at her, unsure how to ask what he wanted. He moved away from her to reach for something in his discarded jeans' pocket. Whatever he was looking for he had trouble finding because he moved to another one.

“I have condoms.” Mao said, surprising herself with her bold proclamation.

Ohno looked up, relieved.

“I mean,” Mao continued, “if that's what you were looking for.”

“Yes.” Ohno replied. “If that's okay.”

Mao giggled a little, reaching over to the lampdesk next to her bed to pull out a condom from the drawer. “To be honest,” she said, throwing a condom to her idol friend. “I was always a little curious about how good you were in bed. With your dancing.”

Ohno gave her a small, humble smile. He unwrapped the condom and rolled it down easily over his length. “I'm not bad.”

“Which in Riida terms means you are very, very good.”

Ohno didn't respond to her teasing remark. He patted his thighs gently. “Come here.”

Mao did so, wiggling forward, so her legs were resting on the mattress to either side of him. He looked up at her, as if surprised at her boldness. She smiled luxuriously at him.

“May I?” he asked his hands fingering the edge of her panties. Mao nodded and he backed away from her so he can lean down over her hips, and kiss her waist. She felt his hands tug at the undergarment as he began pulling them off and Mao lifted her hips to help him. His mouth kissed after her panties as he drew her underwear down her thighs, over her knees, finally off her feet. He suckled a little at her toes and Mao giggled at his gentle teasing. He sat back up again, throwing her panties somewhere behind him.

“Kneel.” he instructed. Mao smiled at him curiously and did as he asked, mirroring him. His hands went to either side of her thighs and he pulled her toward him, and the movement forced her to walk on her knees until she was stradling his lap, kneeling on either side of his thighs. He put each of her arms over his shoulders. He began to kiss her again, feather-light kisses on his collarbone, upon her throat. She unconsciously shifted closer to him, and she could feel his hard length resting on her inner thigh. He was suckling at her neck when she felt his hands on either side of her hips and lift her up so her breasts were aligned with his lips. He began playing with her nipple with a combination of his tongue and lips and Mao moaned appreciatively. One of Ohno's arms wrapped around the small of her back, his other hand falling from her hip. He began lowering her and he looked up to silently ask her to kiss him, which she did, deeply and hungrily. Mao felt his tip prodding her entrance, and when the tip of his head was just barely into her entrance, he pulled his lips away from hers, held eye contact with her for just a moment before completely entering her in one full stroke. Mao gasped his name, her head falling forward onto his shoulder.

He filled her completely. “You feel perfect.” she whispered in exaltation.

Ohno wasn't in much better shape, letting out a hiss of appreciation as he waited for her tight body to get used to him. He breathed in deeply, and Mao could tell he was struggling to remain patient. She rolled her hips experimentally, wordlessly urging him to continue and she moaned a little at the sensation. Ohno's hands were back on either side of her hips. “Brace yourself on my shoulders with your arms.” he said. Mao nodded, concentrating on the full feel of him inside her. He lifted her so about half of him was still inside her warmth, and she balanced her weight onto his shoulders like he asked. Then, sure that she was balanced, he held her in place there, a couple inches above his lap, as he rolled his hips up once, twice, and over and over again, the muscles in his thighs and abdomen doing the work.

“Oh... God...” Mao whispered. She never experienced anything quite like this. He pistoned inside her expertly, smoothly. And from this position... Mao cursed under her breath, tossing her head back- it felt incredibly, astonishingly good. She looked down and could see his stomach muscles rolling beneath her, could feel and see every single stroke he thrust into her.

She cursed again, unsure where this strong language was coming from. “Satoshi-” she began, uncaring of the intimacy in the name choice, but wanting badly for him to understand the words she was telling him. “You... are... amazing.”

Ohno looked up at her, almost hungrily. A thin sheen of sweat was working onto his forehead. Abruptly he stopped moving, earning him a frustrated growl from Mao.

“Riida...” she said, her voice rough with want.

Ohno didn't shift. “Say my name.”

“Ohno-kun.” she husked obligingly, rolling her body in wordless encouragement. His grip on her hips tightened, preventing her movement and she exhaled in desperation.

“No, say my name.” he repeated.

She leaned forward a breath away from his lips, finally catching on, a lusty smile gracing her features. She kissed him fully on the mouth, deeply and slowly, and pulled away with a scrape of her teeth upon his lower lip, and with it she whispered,

He thrust into her so abruptly, so deeply, so completely, a scream ripped from her throat- her nails digging into his shoulder blades. He gripped the small of her back, and without withdrawing, changed their position so she was on her back on the bed and he was above her.

“Say it again.” he said, kissing her collarbone, her neck, her jawline.

“Satoshi.” she exhaled.

He withdrew just so the tip of him was inside her and then he shoved himself so quickly inside her she gasped, toes curling. He began pulling out once more.

“Again.” he growled.


He thrust into her, filling her completely, and leaving himself there so she could feel the weight of him inside her. She squirmed with sensation and this time needed no prompting when she said his name in breathless pleasure.

“It sounds so hot when you say it.” Ohno murmured against her neck.

Something about his lack of censoring made her blush. “Satoshi- please.” she sighed, desperate to feel him move within her.

He didn't need any more encouragement. His thrusts were like nothing Mao had ever experienced before. Ohno rolled his hips up and into her, each motion controlled, deliberate, and completely aware. He moved with a dancer's instinct, his rhythm and movements adjusting ever so slightly according to his partner's reactions. When Mao gripped the sheets, when she shouted his name, when she urged him to move faster, harder- it didn't take long for Ohno to figure out what he needed to do to make her back arch off the bed and shout his name with such reverence it brought tears to the corners of her eyes. When she came back down her body was still shaking. That was the first time she experienced two orgasms in the same night. She wanted to laugh, she wanted to cry- why did she ever put off sleeping with him for so long? She could have invited him up to her apartment a lot sooner.

Ohno's hand brushed back her hair, and the movement refocused Mao's attention.

“Are you okay, Mao?” he whispered, also dropping the formality in her name. It occurred to her that she must have been staring. She nodded.

“Yes. I'm okay. More than okay. Great.” Mao giggled, delirious with pleasure, and the movement tightened muscles low in her body, making her very aware of just how hard he still was. “How are you?”

Ohno looked down the length of her body and then back up to her eyes, taking a second to respond before he let out a tight, “Barely holding on.”

Mao pulled him down to her, so close her lips brushed his as she whispered. “Do whatever you want with me.”

Something must have set him off with those words because before she could so much as take another breath he pulled back and then rammed himself so deep into her she gasped, her legs kicking out onto the mattress of their own accord. Ohno gripped the sheets, the pillows around her for support, his body slamming into her with relentless, hungry urgency. He sought her mouth as if it were his only anchor and they were kissing again, wet lips sliding together in a fight for dominance. Mao wanted to scream into his mouth as his thrusts were beginning to toe the line between pain and intensely gratifying pleasure as he hurled headlong toward the infinity of release.

He grabbed a fistful of her hair gruffly, ripping her mouth from his and she moaned throatily at the rough play as he pulled her head back to expose her neck. He leaned down to bite into the juncture between neck and shoulder, his thrusts becoming more wild, erratic, desperate- and then he squeezed his eyes shut as a growl of glorifying release tore from his throat, muffled by her shoulder. Mao was thrusting back into him, wanting to milk him completely as she rode the last moments of his euphoria, and then he collapsed on her, laughing a little in exhaustion. She could feel him smiling against her skin and her hand went up to smooth the sweat-matted locks of his hair.

He pulled back to assess her and then his eyes widened a little at something near her neck. He reached up to trace the mark he left and she twitched a little when his hands caressed the bruised skin.

“I'm sorry.” he said.

Mao just smirked. “No you aren't.” She pushed him off her and he chuckled as he withdrew, drawing a final little gasp from Mao as he did so. “You left plenty more all over me anyway. Besides, these are little trophies from a night with Ohno Satoshi. Girls would kill for the experience.”

Ohno rolled onto his side, facing her, completely unashamed of his naked, toned body. “Just one night?”

Mao's eyes flicked to his, quietly assessing. “Riida-” she said, reverting back to the name she used to call him, “This could get very complicated very fast...”

“What's complicated about sex?” Ohno said, his hand tracing the curve of her hip. Just that small movement alone made it difficult to think.

Mao sat up and pushed him down by the shoulder, moving to straddle his thighs. “Maybe,” she leaned down to kiss the top of his chest, “because,” she ran her tongue down to the top of his abdomen, “once you start...” her tongue swirled down the lines of his toned chest and his breath hitched. She looked back up at him through her lashes as she finished her sentence, “...you can't stop.”

Already she could feel him getting hard against her stomach as she leaned low over him. Mao looked down in surprise only to feel Ohno grab onto her thighs and roll both of them over so he was on top again. “I don't see the problem there.”


A/N: The title is from Ohno's solo “Two” which I listened to nonstop while writing this. Reading the lyrics translation for the first time after writing this made me realize how fitting the song is for this fic. Speaking of- holy crap. Did I just write an 11 page smut? I guess I did. Well, I finally got the 'write about Ohno being a sex god in bed' prompt out of my head. I chose Mao because I ship her with everyone and she easily fi the criteria of Ohno's type (skinny upper arm, cute when annoyed, constantly pulling her hair away from her neck/face, etc.) and Mao likes older guys who take the lead and are mysterious/don't talk much. Sooo yeah. The pairing fell in my lap. How did you guys like it? =D


non-maotsujun fanfiction, inoue mao, arashi

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