Moving this to Ebisu Midnights later... wrote it raw here on LJ.

Dec 23, 2009 13:28

Sorry for the lack of cut, rushing while I post this.

Title: Rush hour [one-shot]
Author: yoshi09
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG
Summary: The morning after. *wink*

It was 5:49am in Tokyo, Japan, which meant the sunlight was already streaming in Matsumoto Jun's room as irritatingly bright as possible by the time he walked out of the shower. Jun was brushing his teeth with one hand, blow drying his hair with the other, while reaching haphazardly with his left foot for his hair brush that he had bumped off the floor with his hip seconds before.

Jun was running late for work.

In fact, ten minutes ago, he should have be whining about why the hell Ohno Satoshi was wearing that shirt with those pants before reprimanding Ninomiya Kazunari about why he didn't stop Ohno before he walked out of the door and embarrass them all with his ensemble. Nino would grumble a distracted reply while he played his DS under the table-- thinking Jun couldn't see it, which he so could-- and Jun would have turned to sigh to Sho Sakurai, but find that Aiba Masaki was distracting him with some incessant question about why the sky is blue, why do people tie their shoes in a bow, what time is it-- WHAT TIME IS IT?

Jun broke out of his reverie mid-gurgle and looked at the Mickey Mouse clock above the bathroom mirror. One hand pointed precariously close to the 6, the other pointed just a few centimeters to the left of it.


Jun spat the toothpaste flavored water out of his mouth, burst out of the bathroom and grabbed the closest pair of jeans his hands could reach and without breaking a stride he jumped onto his bed next to a rolled up comforter. He proceeded to jump into his jeans atop the bed, saying a word every land onto the bouncy mattress,

"You! Are! Going! To! Be! Late!"

The rolled up cocoon-like comforter that bounced next to him murmured a reply, "So... noisy~"

Jun, having properly put on his pants now, straddled the fluffy comforter while he buttoned it up so he could properly see the only part of his girlfriend that wasn't trapped under the hug of warmth and sleepiness.

Inoue Mao's hair was positively askew, some of the ends of it had found it's way into her mouth, and her eyes were still tightly shut as if she thought by not seeing Jun, he couldn't see her.

"Five minutes..." she muttered, snuggling further into the blanket.

"You said five minutes ten minutes ago!" He reached for the top drawer of his dresser from his position to grab a shirt, found it didn't match his pants and picked a white one instead. He shoved it over his head. "Come on, get up!"

Mao, without even opening her eyes, suddenly shot her arms from under the comforter and reached around the small of Jun's back to jerk him close with unexpected force. Jun was knocked forward with an "oof" onto his girlfriend.

"It's too early~" Mao sighed, cuddling into Jun's neck.

Jun only needed to say two words. "It's 6am."

Mao's eyes flicked open instantly and she shoved Jun unceremoniously to the side of the bed as she practically flew out of his bed.

"6am!? Matsumoto, why didn't you wake me up!"

Jun was momentarily disoriented. Mao was naked save for her underwear-- her lacy underwear. Her petite figure was made to be bathed in sunlight. He grabbed for her hand before she could even take another step away from the bed and pulled her back to him.

"What did you call me?" His tone said one thing, his mouth entirely another as he kissed along her jawline... down her collarbone...

She giggled, his lips provided an all too thorough distraction.

"I called you Matsumo-- we're going to be late!"

"No, you're going to be late," he flipped them both so she was on the bed and he had her pinned down, "I'm just on time."

15 minutes later...

"Agh! We can't keep on doing this, Mao!" Jun was shouldering his bag over a jacket he just put on.

"What do you mean, 'we?' You're the one who grabbed my hand and decided to be irresistible!" Mao was throwing on a shirt.

"Well if you weren't so damn seductive all the time..." Neither of them noticed it was Jun's.

"All I did was jump out of bed!" Mao put on a hat.

"Who cares, fact is this is the third time this week I've been late!" Jun also put on a hat.

This they noticed. Jun and Mao simultaneously took the hats off their heads and gave it to their respective owners.

"How do I look?" Jun asked.

Mao did him a brief once-over. "Great. Say 'Hi' to the boys for me."

Jun smiled. "Send regards to your Candies." He turned, and the quick move made his jacket hem flap briefly above his waistline. The shirt underneath caught her eye.

"A-Ano, Jun?"

He whipped around, his eyebrow raised in question.

Mao opened her mouth to say something, then closed it with a mischievous smile. "Nevermind. Have fun at work."

In any other circumstance, Jun would have prodded her further as that smile was never good news, but he was more than late. Jun should have known better.

He ran into the dressing room, out of breath. "I'm here, sorry I'm late. Sorry. Hey guys." He dropped his shoulderbag next to Nino's and slipped out of his jacket.

His fellow Arashi members stared at him. Nino covered his mouth to subtly hide a giggle.


It was Ohno, bless his heart, who genuinely meant it when he said, "Nice shirt, Jun."

Jun looked down and gaped. He was wearing Mao's favorite white and pink Hello Kitty shirt.
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