Life Goals

Apr 29, 2009 18:22

I am now three weeks from graduating college.
Three weeks until I am thrown into the wide world, with any and all hopes and dreams waiting to be chased and captured for my own selfish purposes.

As this timing wears down, I have been thinking alot more about the future obviously, and the things that I want to accomplish in my lifetime.

This being the case, I feel that it will be a good idea to jot down the ideas I have now, and update this list as I either accomplish goals or think of new ones to chase.

Anywhoo, on to the items!

Cut for length in case no one cares about my hopes and dreams, :P.
These goals are in relative order, but I'm sure many can be shifted around and moved.

-Obtain tenure in a school system that I enjoy being in, as well as the school and community appreciating me for what I am worth to that particular system.

-Search out and audition for a Rocky Horror troupe. After my experience this past fall, I know that I am a kick ass Riff, and think that performing as him for the next 20 years is a fun idea.

-Move out of my parent's house and into my own apartment, and than hopefully a nice little house.

-Get some kind of tattoo. This one might be hard because I am a needle-phobe, but something about getting inked is very tempting. I'm thinking something small on my upper arm, maybe a band of some kind.

- Continue developing a six pack and gain more upper body strength. Also included in this is getting to a low body fat percentage, hopefully something like 3%.

-Travel the country documenting different zoos, aquariums and museums (fossil sections of course). At some point, hopefully doing the same thing abroad, I just know that their are many fantastic attractions in the states alone.

-Meet and court a nice lady who loves me for me and wants to be with me as much as I want to be with her. Hopefully developing into a wife for me.

-Have some children. Even though I hate little kids, kids are something I want. A boy and a girl would be nice, but control isn't always that easy.

-Move somewhere that will allow me to be close to my best friends to allow for continued exposure as I and they continue to grow, from college students to full blown professionals and parents.

-Have an amazing wedding ceremony with as many people as are close to me to be present at.

-Own a dog and all kinds of smaller animals that I can keep in terreriums and cages.

-Go back to graduate school and obtain a Master's in Ecology and Evolution.

-Become a professor of either those two at a school. This might take getting a doctorite, we'll see.

-Go on a fossil hunting trip.

-Leave the country.

As I said, this is a preliminary list, and I know I will continue to think of things. Which is why this entry is going to be a memory for easy access.

goals, ambitions

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