I slept in for most of the day. O_O!!! Went to bed last night at 3am.. then woke up a 1pm! WTF?
Then around 4pm I took a nap and woke up at 8:30pm!! WTH? O_O!
My excuse is I been fighting off the plague. 3 of my coworkers contracted this plague a few weeks ago. I felt something was comming on since last week on Friday. I was sure I'm victim number 4 since I had a scratchy sore throat. The same early symptoms as the other 3 guys. When it struck them, they were out 2-3 days each. I said I felt fine and it's only a slight scatchy thoat. They said it starts out that way... it'll gradually get worst in a few days. Followed by headaches, then your whole body will be in pain especially the joints. Then you'll want to die. O_O! Well.. I had a slight headache.. then a slight pain in the joints. Then I slept in for most of today and now I feel great. =D WOOT!!.. I have beaten the plague that has incapacitated my peers for several days with just minor annoyances. =D
I gives this credit to my errrrrr.. healthy lifestyle *yeah right!* of *cough* *cough* daily exercise and ummm... eating right. =D
Let's look at the other 3 victims. They are all married and their wives dictates what they eat. One of the is a vegetarian. They sleep regular hours and one of them has a kid. Me however, eat crap. I'm sleep deprived. No one to dictate my eating habits so I eat whatever is convient. My cooking is almost edible. Roaches eat better than me.
Which leads me to my conclusion. After years to trainning my body to accept eating crap, I have develope a super immune system. What doesn't kill me makes me stronger! *flexes immune system* If there is a nuclear war tommorrow..I'll survive and thrive!!! Just me and my roach minions! >=D
In other news.. I finally started updating my portfolio. Most of it will be transfering it to the larger 13x19 layout.
I'll be attending Animagic next weekend.
http://www.ani-magic.net/ It's a really small convention so I'm just going to relax and take things easy. Hope to see some of you there. =D