Fasting day 8

Jul 15, 2014 16:17

Сегодня заканчивается 8-й день голодания (дурацкое слово, fasting звучит гораздо лучше) и пора подумать как я буду из него выходить. Если честно, я бы спокойно могла поголодать еще несколько дней, но боюсь, что меня заклюют советами на работе , потому что будет сильно заметно быстрое похудение, а вторая причина - мне не терпится возобновить ежедневные пробежки, а при голодании интенсивные нагрузки для организма не шибко полезно, говорят.
Я где-то вычитала, что при интенсивные нагрузки при голоднии уменьшают обьем мышечной массы... Может и нет, но не хочу рисковать.
Все это время я чувствовала себя довольно неплохо, за исключением пары дней, В конце 4-го дня я почувствовала слабость, 5-й день я практически вообще ничего не делала и никуда не выходила (благо была суббота), но в этом есть свои плюсы - целый день нашивала блестяшки на свадебное платье для дочки и наконец-то платье закончено. Осталось его погладить, отрезать ниточки и все.
В воскресенье слабость была тоже, но намного меньше. Видимо проходила интоксикация организма, что происходит всегда при длительном голодании. Очень хорошо помогает душ, потому что кожа выделяет много токсинов. Обычно слабость исчезает после ацидотического криза и ей на смену приходит прилив сил.
А с понедельника вообще чувствую себя отлично. Прошли боли в спине, которые были у меня уже пару лет, появилась легкость в теле, исчезли отеки на щиколотках и на пальцах  -  я и не знала что они были, думала так и надо, обострилось обоняние, улучшилось зрение, ну и, естественно, потеряла 7кг живого жира, что тоже неплохо.
В пятницу начинаю выход, но еще не решила каким способом. После голодания метаболизм замедляется практически до нуля, поэтому набрать вес - нечего делать. В прошлый раз я не выдержала сроки и вернула половину веса.
Вобщем думаю, что буду выходить по такой системе:

Day 1

Drink an 8-ounce glass of 50% water and 50% combination vegetable and fruit juice. Some 100% vegetable juice combinations are pretty good also. Here are some mixtures for you to consider:
·         Carrot and Orange Juice
·         Celery and Carrots
·         Tomato, Celery and Lemon
·         Celery, Apple, and Fennel
·         Pineapple, Pear and Celery
·         Papaya, Lime, and Cauliflower
·         Carrots, Watercress & Orange
·         Papaya-Lemon
·         Carrots, Parsley, Green Pepper & Orange
·         Carrots, Pineapple
·         Grape, Celery
·         Spinach, Celery, Asparagus, Tomato & Grape
·         Carrot, Strawberry
·         Carrot, Spinach, Lettuce & Orange

Minimize the use of lemon juice, just because it is very acidic. Now continue water fasting for another 4 hours. Once the four hours have passed, drink another 8-ounce glass of 50% juice and 50% water. If you felt dizziness or stomach pains since you drank the first glass, use 75% water and 25% juice. Do not drink more than 8 ounces. Be patient. Drink the second glass of juice and continue water fasting for another 4 hours.
After 8 hours, you will have had two 8-ounce glasses of 50% juice and 50% water. Now go ahead and drink a straight 8-ounce glass of juice. This will be the most amount of sugar your body will have received in a long time.
Drink it slowly. Look at a clock and make it a point to drink the juice over the course of at least 1 minute. Once you drink it, walk away ... continue water fasting for another 12 hours. Time this in a way that the 12-hour lapse coincides with bed time.

I will do carrot and celery juice. I will need 16 oz.
10AM - 8 oz half & half
2PM   - 8 oz half & half
6PM   - 8 oz straight

Days Two & Three

The second day of breaking a fast will be similar to the end of day one, although today you will be able to drink a 12 ounce glass of 100% juice. In other words, you no longer have to water it down. Go with 85% vegetable and 15% fruit juice. When drinking this first glass of non-watered-down juice, time yourself. Provide at least 2 minutes to drink it. Continue water fasting for 4 hours and then drink another 12-ounce glass.
Have as many as four 12-ounce glasses, with 4 hours wait between them. In addition, it is important for you to continue to drink at least half a gallon of water per day during this entire process of breaking a fast. So drink your 4 glasses of juice on day two and go to bed. On day 3 repeat what you did on day 2.

I will do carrots, pineapple and celery on day 2 and tomato, celery and lemon on day 3.
8AM   - 12 oz
12PM - 12 oz
4PM   - 12 oz
8PM   - 12 oz      Total I will need 48 oz of juice a day.

Days Four & Five
For breakfast, cut up an apple or pear in four slices and sit down to eat.Eat each half very slowly and chew it until it dissolves in your mouth. Resist the desire to eat quickly. Chew each piece of fruit at least 20 times prior to swallowing. Count each chew. Spend at least 2 minutes chewing and swallowing each of the four pieces of fruit. That means that you should spend roughly 10 minutes eating.
Drink a 12-ounce glass of 50% water & 50% juice. Now continue to water fast for 4 hours. Once the time has passed, repeat the breakfast meal with another piece of fruit and another watered-down glass of juice. Wait another 4 hours. Have a third fruit/juice meal. Mix the fruits. You can, for example, have an apple in the morning and. Eat nothing else.
On Day 5 of breaking a fast you are to repeat the exact process process as day four. Bowel movements should appear with greater frequency by this time.

OK. The schedule  for day 5 and day 6 will be:
10 AM - pear and  12 oz apple & celery juice with water
4 PM   - apple and 12 oz apple & celery juice with water
8 PM    - pear and  12 oz apple & celery juice with water            So, I need 4 pears and 2 apples to eat for 2 days and 18 oz of juice a day.

On Day 6 of breaking a fast you can introduce salads. Eat an apple in the morning with juice and have a medium-sized plate of lettuce, cucumbers and baby tomatoes for lunch. No dressing! Make salad small! Go to the supermarket and purchase several pre-made salad kits. Choose the "simple" kits, which usually include lettuce, carrots, cabbage and the like... Eat half a bag per meal.
Have another salad for lunch along with an apple or pear and some juice (you don't have to water it down anymore if your body is responding well). For dinner, you can add a small plate of steamed vegetables without butter.
Take broccoli, carrots, squash and cauliflower. You can sprinkle a tiny dab of olive oil for taste. Make sure to drink lots of water - at least half-a-gallon daily. So on day 6 you have given your body salads and vegetables in addition to the fruit and juices.
*If at any time you start to feel stomach discomfort, add another 24 hours of just juices and fruit. When breaking a fast, always step back at least 1 day if you feel your body needs more time. Listen to what your body is telling you.
Are you having trouble having a bowel movement? If you are straining to pass stool, then you are forcing the body to process way too much food, too soon. Slow down if you are in doubt. Again: SLOW IS FAST!

So on day 6 I will have:
10AM - apple or pear
2PM - half of beg of salad or homemade (cucumbers, tomato, lettuce, cabbage, carrots). I will put lemon juice and salt on salad.
6PM - steamed vegetables (carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini) and fruit  and juice (I'm not sure that I will drink juice)
So I will need to make or buy salad and vegetables.

Day SEVEN and Beyond
On Day 7 of breaking a fast, you can start to eat small pieces of lean poultry. You can steam-cook a breast of chicken very nicely on a pan with its own juices, a little water and a tiny sprinkle of olive oil. Be very light on the salt when seasoning. Chew slowly! Resist the urge to gorge at all times.
For dinner try this: A small chicken breast with a salad and half a baked potato without butter. One cup of brown rice is also a good choice. Sprinkle a dash of parmesan cheese on the potato for taste. The key at this phase of breaking a fast is to keep the portions small. If, after you eat a meal on day 7 you start to have stomach aches, then you know you ate too much or you added some spice that was not permitted.
Beyond Day 7 continue to eat the same foods I have just described.
You can exchange chicken for fish (talapia or grouper).You also can eat different fruits according to your taste. If you eat red meat, I strongly encourage you to not eat any for at least one month after breaking a fast. Your body is clean! This is a great time for you to take some serious stock of where you have been, where you are and where you want to go.

Now on day 7 the plan will be a little different, because I don't eat chicken:
10AM - juice and fruit or may be papaya
2PM - half a bag of salad and more papaya
6PM - 1 cup of brown rice and steamed vegetables (or may be grilled without oil)                        
 I will buy papaya and make rice in advance.

In addition I need about 4 gallons of water and make sure I drink half a gallon a day!

When breaking a fast the body is clean of toxins and is thus much better able to absorb nutrients. For that reason, I want to recommend that you try Himalayan Crystal Salt.Crystal salt has very powerful properties that can give your body a powerful boost once you have finished fasting.
Add two tablespoons to a half-gallon of water and make it a point to drink it in its entirety over a 24-hour period.
You can do this every other day for the first 7 days after breaking a fast. Then continue to do it semi-weekly at least once. Make sure to have plenty of plain water also as the salt will probably make you extra thirsty.
Himalayan Crystal Salt. is known to contain energy and healing properties that assist in bringing the body's regulatory system (homeostasis) into balance. This fosters improved blood pH, digestive system functions, brain activity, respiration, and it also helps remove heavy metals from your body, another of the powerful benefits of water fasting.
Tags: fasting


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