Bleach pairings forum

May 15, 2011 11:48

I previously posted about my YoruSoi message board.

The other admin and I have decided that, since there hasn't been much YoruSoi lately and we want to be more active, we're going to change the board to all Bleach pairings.

We want to know which pairings to represent, so we've opened up a petition forum. Basically, post which pairing you'd like us to make a subforum for. We're open to all relationships, including yuri, yaoi, and even pairings that contradict YoruSoi.

As a bonus, if you are the first to petition and your pairing gets a subforum, you will be made moderator of that subforum. It's kind of like being an FC owner but better. =P

To separate our forum from other forums, each pairing subforum will have its own social section, so you can have off topic conversations with like-minded Bleach fans.

Additionally, we'll be changing the name of the forum, so we'll be taking suggestions on that once we get some more people in.

Anyway, I hope you check it out. Since it was originally created about a year ago, we feel we've made a lot of improvements even without all the changes we'd like to make.
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