Manifest Sunday-Epic<3

Aug 27, 2009 22:55

Woot~ Finished that research project. Lesson learnt-don't leave your research projects till 3 days before they're due =p

Sunday. I feel it was kind of epic^^ Especially if you like X.

After getting a good nights sleep, I was all fresh and inpatient to get there Sunday morning. I had absolutely no idea what was going on with the cosplay contest, because Manifest committee is soooo well organised, so first order of the day was to find out what time I was supposed to be a technical prejudging. I get to the cosplay judging tent...yes tent...the room it was supposed to be in got flooded in a storm the week prior to Manifest, so, tent. Anyway, I got there and one of the cosplay judges told me she'd been looking forward to seeing my cosplay after seeing what I'd chosen to cosplay(From the reference picture I'd sent in). Then there was mutual X fansquee=p . I also found out that cosplay judging was basically whenever you turned up, so I ran back to the my table to get my hat, and joined the line of people waiting to be judged. There were some really good cosplay, particularly this Bleach? cosplayer who had these incredible wings and horns and stilted claw feet. I don't blame him for not wearing the wings much, they would have been a bitch in the wind.

After I'd been judged, the cosplay judge told me I absolutely had to come to the yaoi panel, because she had funny Sei/Sub posters in her presentation(She was also the presenter of the yaoi panel). I also got shown a hilarious photo she'd stalkerishly taken of someone's was a Subaru with the licence plate "UKE---" Mmm can't remember what the numbers were, but that's not important.

Every year we say to ourselves, "yes! We are going to the Yaoi panel this year!" and we never do, because its always on at 7.00pm, and by then everyone is tired and wants to go home. But after talking to the cosplay judge, I was even more determined to go =p even though this would probably mean I would end up staying later than everyone else, and therefore not get a car ride, home, and have to take public transport home...but the yaoi is worth it right?

I got back to my table all hyped up from the cosplay judging and discovered to my great joy that Amy(who is someone I'd only met in person that weekend, but had known on DA for quite awhile due to mutual friends) ( bought a skull to go with her cosplay. She was cosplaying the Undertaker from Kuroshitsuji.
, on both days, but she didn't have the skull on Saturday. XD I think she was only one of 2 Undertaker cosplayers at the festival, compared the the millions of Ciels, Lady Red, Sebastians and Grells running around. Lol, I don't even know the series that well, but I recognise the costumes because I've seen them so much now...

Anyway, I see this skull sitting at our table and I'm like "FREAKING AWESOME! CAN I USE IT FOR MY PHOTOSHOOT<3?" ...I was quite hyper.

I then ran off again to find Jeb(jeb_sakurazuka) and share the morning's excitement. Jeb was to be the X screening XD The screening was nearly over by the time I got there, but that screening will be forever immortalised with these images.

I wasn't even there for the trap thing! Apparently someone else in the theatre has yelled it out during that scene, and Jeb just had to share with me. It became one of those amusing ongoing jokes anywayXD

After the screening Jeb went off to another screening, and I went back to my table and actually minded it for longer than 5 minutes. Since the skull was sitting pretty on ou table, I decided to pose like a tool.

I got a friend to take a photo, and other randoms decided it was an irresistible photo op, and I ended up doing it for longer than intended ><

Then went off to photowhore have my photoshoot with my new friend the skull. I won't get those photos for another week or so though, the CD will be mailed out to me~ And my phootoshoot number was #69 ><, which the photographers assistant pointed out with great amusement.

Then came lunch.I actually had lunch on Sunday...chicken curry mmmm
I also met up with another friend,
Rebecca,( who was cosplaying as TRC!Kamui

Wind was beneficial thing time. Her brother was cosplaying Fuuma, but I didn't get a photo. WE made vagues plans to get together sometime and do an awesome Tsubasa photoshoot, with my Subaru and Jeb's Seishirou.

More Trinity Blood cosplayers...I likes the Trinity Blood cosplayers. I'm planning to cosplay as Seth next year<3

Random photo of Jeb and I at trader's hall. Jeb was trying to be fail!Sasuke cosplay, but it wasn't fail enough and nobody cried
The cosplay comp got delayed because the wind blew though the doors and knocked one of the partitions down. I was kind of tired by then, so sitting down was appreciated. I don't do skits in cosplay comps, so I just had to answer questions~

Cosplay comp...I stole this picture from a link on the Manifest forums^^;

Pic of the back of the costume, also stolen from forums

I sat through the rest of the comp, hanging out for the results. Got to the end of the comp and they told us that they would be announced at the closing ceremony. Poo

By then, most of my lot had pretty much gone home, so Shelly( and I packed up our table. Much to my surprise, I actually sold come artwork...not much, but some so that made me happy. I have no idea how much was sold or how for how much money, because I was lazy and didn't count the money I had as my cash float, or the amount of prints and bookmarks I had initially.Also was the fact that I didn't spend alot of time actually selling, other people did it for me^^;(much love to you all<3)

Having an hour to waste between then and the Closing Ceremony, I went to the Hetalia panel for something to do, but only got there at the very end, and so ended up watching a random episode of Hetalia, and then watched the Iron AMV contest, because it was in the same hall as the closing ceremony.
I guess it was worth the wait...

I won the prize for Runner Up in Best Technical for the Sunday comp =D

I got a medal and a $75 madman voucher(which I've since used to buy volumes of the Trinity Blood Manga)

Because Manifest had been running behind in the cosplay comp, the closing ceremony had also started late, and starting running into the time of the Yaoi panel...but the Yaoi panel ended up being delayed until the end of the closing ceremony because the cosplay coordinator was also the one running the yaoi panel, so it all worked out nicely for me and I didn't miss anything^^

Yaoi Panels

Are educational and raise money for charity=p
They had some guys there, and were running an auction to make them kiss. Actually, I got bit annoyed at the whole thing, they dragged it on for too long at the expense of the panel.

There was also a surprising amount of male audience members...and some of them weren't dragged there by their girlfriends. Yaoi panel was awesome, and filled with many gratuitous buttsex jokes, pretty pictures and enthusiastic fangirls. I wasn't alone in the panel though, Rebecca was there. There was some interesting facts and information...they talked a little bit about the history, and reasons people write/draw yaoi, and why people like it. There was many hilariously captioned pictures, I tried to take photos but they are a little blurry. Unfortunately the panel was cut short becuase they were running over time. I'm very disappointed they didn't get to the part that would have involved the Sei/Sub imagery the cosplay judge/yaoi panelist said she had, but at least I got to see some on her phone on the morning. I wonder if they posted their slides on the forums, there was some mention of posting...

By now it was almost 9pm and Manifest was finished! But! It doesn't end there!

I had to catch a tram to take me back to the central city area so I could get on a train. As fate would have it, the only empty seat on the tram was next to one to a lady who was as much a fan of X as I was. At first I thought she wasn't even one of the Manifest attendees, she look normal. As I was talking to another woman when I first got on the tram, she didn't talk to me till a little bit into the tram trip, and asks me "Are you cosplaying that artbook image?"

To which I am "YES! You recognise my costume 8D?"
"Yes, it's Subaru! I love Subaru and Seishirou!"

From there I had the best tram trip ever =p
We spent most of the tram trip making fanfiction recommendations to each other XD

We parted ways at Flinder's St station, and from there I thought I'd be on my own on the train. I got some VERY weird and not entirely reassuring looks from some bogans at the end of the platform. By now it was about 10pm so I was not feeling great about having to catch a late night train home while dressed at a bishop.

Being on my own didn't last long though, I was befriended by, for lack of a better name , Crazy Doveton Girl, who was a very sleep deprived Manifest volunteer. I didn't feel worried about crazy train bogans with her around, I think she would have scared them off. Crazy Doveton Girl was amusing company who spent her time trying to recruit me for a Kyou Kara Maoh cosplay involving onstage molestation and kissing. She wanted me to be the blond main character...I've never watched KKM so I don't know the characters, but after I related this story to Clare, she laughed her head off and told me I definitely would not suit the character. She also amused me with her ranting about wanting to gouge people's eyeballs out. I was still dressed as a CLAMP character, should I have been worried?

Clare met me at 'Huntingfail' station to give me some of my things, and her and Robert waited with me until the next train. I could have stayed at Clare's house, but I really wanted to sleep in my own bed. Fortunately, Clare had my coat, so I was able to cover up conspicuous costumage. My coat is long and goes to my ankles, I love it. I gave her my cape, so I didn't have to carry it on the train, and I was off again. This time, I was all on my onesies, but I had been reunited with my mp3player so all was well. None of my family were willing to venture out to pick me up from the train station at 11.30 at night. I was told to get a taxi, but I was being cheap and didn't want to pay the sum of money that would have costed me, so I walked home. I My mother must never know, she'd have a heart attack about me walking home so late, someone might stab me or raep me! XD. She thinks Clare drove me home pffffff and I'll keep it that way or risk angst and lectures. Actually, the wind was kind of warm and refreshing, it was quite a pleasant walk.

I got home at more or less 12pm, and crawled straight to bed. Ahhhhhh~

When I have time and appropriate imagery, I'll spam you with a post all about my actual cosplay, I could probably ramble on at length^^;. I was so damn pleased with the costume, and it got a very good reception, even though almost nobody(save for cosplay judges and randoms on the tram) knew what the hell the costume was from.

I should post more photos of cosplayers that I took too, but at least I've got my happy recollections of Manifest out of my system. CAN'T WAIT FOR NEXT YEAR<3

it all comes back to hokuto, cosplay, yaoi is educational and beneficial to th, subaru, manifest, epic、its a trap!

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