Feb 05, 2007 21:05
I need to first say... "Why am I teaching again?" Then I should answer myself with "'cause you still have a student loan and need to pay for your car". Although I am not pleased with the answer I was accept...
So thus to continue, I will talk about the first day of the second semester. I'm not sure about the semester thing... I get a new group of students now, halfway though the year. After teaching at what I deem to be a "regular" school (at least in timetable) I must admit to confusion. I'm not really used to the whole thing. You loose all the students you've put time into, for a second group you don't know. How bizarre?! I guess I just figure that you have the students for a full year. Talk about molding the minds of the young. ummm...
Apart from that, I'm enjoying my new monitor... a flat 20" wide screen. OOOOO! It is so nice. It takes up way less space, and is 20% bigger than my old monitor. I guess this means it is better than the 13" T.V in my bedroom... there is a thought.
Oh well.. that is it, apart from the fact that it is cold! (stupid wind chill at -25)