May 30, 2009 12:24
i love it, i really do.
there were a few things i meant to post about, then forgot to, so i'll do my best to remember some of the nicest stuff of the past few days.
realised at my Homer seminar that we do in fact have class Week 10, on Friday. as if! i'll politely explain to Minta that "As these are my last few days in England, would you mind if I didn't attend your seminar?" i mean, really. i'll have already handed in my final essay, why would i waste two hours in a seminar on a nice Friday afternoon, when i've already studied the poem before, and i only have a limited amount of hours left in the country? exactly. not gonna happen. my procedural's due next week and i can't figure out what my topic should be... something to do with the gods, that's all i got.
our Cell Block Prison Break plans are coming along nicely. i think all students except 6 are going, so it should be quite fabulous. Chris and i realized that the party will in fact be held on the 11th, our 'anniversary'. while this means we'll have to go to Akbar's (tempting Pakistani restaurant) another night, there is a certain kind of beauty to this. we met at a big, drunken block party, so it's quite appropriate that we attend another one to celebrate! (good god i can't believe May's almost over.)
went to see Revolutionary Road on Thursday with Vicki and Ellen. wowwww. did it definitely do the book justice. Kate and Leo were terrific, and tragic. the movie was frightening, so very sad. to quote Vicki, "Really, it wasn't sad. It was soul-destroying." highly, highly recommend it.
went out to the Charles last night with Chris, Arthur, Lee, and two of their mates from American football. i initially said i'd go for just one, just one Pimm's(!) to keep Hannah company, but then she didn't turn up and i ended up enjoying myself quite nicely. didn't stay too late, but it was nice to socialize a bit, go out for a walk in the nice weather. and we have been having nice weather, absolutely gorgeous, blue-skied, sunny, warm weather. i cana't believe i'll still be in uni in July, haha. how anyone ever concentrates is a mystery to me.
(there's a Toy Story 3 trailer out! brings me back to my childhood.)
watched Pearl Harbor with Chris. god, i haven't seen that in years. used to be my all-time favourite movie, back when Ben Affleck was my ultimate crush, haha. it's still good, and still very sad. i'm very sentimental when it comes to war movies. well, not even movies. anything to do with veterens, Remembrance Day, the wars, unknown soldiers, war memorials, etc. i can't seem to get over how shockingly brutalized the world was, how numb in a way.
don't know what our plans are for this weekend. Chris and i both have lots of work to do, but i really want to go on a picnic while the weather's so nice. even if it's just to the Quiet Place! yayyyy. going to watch some of the Lions Tour rugby now with Chris, Lee, and Jack. will probably be back very soon, haha. what a trooper.
college life,