(no subject)

Aug 04, 2005 16:10

Okay, while all of you people are busy updating about school, I will take this time to say that I don't go back to school for another month. In fact, my regestration is a week after you start school. So ha. Not that that is a particularly good thing, bedcause I want to go back to school so that I can meet people, because Minnesota is freaking boring without friends. Not that anywhere wouldn't be, but...

My tractor broke down again. It has a flat tire.

We went to the Mall of America the other day. It was ammusing. I bought a jacket from Urban Outfitters that has a french flag on it(it makes me happy). We walked all over the place, and probably didn't even see half of it (In fact i know that we didn't). They are expanding the Mall of America, by the way. They are making it twice the sizel, although I don't know how much of that will be shopps. They are building the worlds largest indoor water parck there, and a hotel, and a professional size ice rink. I don't know it that will be a hockey stadium or an actual ice rink, but whatever. It should be pretty darn cool.

I auditioned for choir yesterday and made it into chamber choir (the top choir). So I am happy. Now I just have to fit it into my schedule. We are going to England before spring break for a music festival there. should be cool.

Well, I think that that is it. Hope that y'all have a fantabulous rest of the summer.
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