Nov 03, 2005 09:46
okay so my PE class, run conditioning, is kicking my ass. has been all semester, but only now is it dawning on me that i may not even pass it.
we just did the mile run today, and i ran 7:58, which is molasses. I finished dead last. (but its good for me! i improved 1:24 since the beginning of the semester). on coach powers regoddamndiculous grading scales, however, thats a 6.5 out of 10.
but it doesnt end there! oh no! our push up test is tuesday, and if i do what i did today (31 in a minute), i'll pull a 6.6.
also, our 5k test is in a week, and i lost that scale but i bet its not pretty.
to top it off, our bench press test is in like 2 weeks and with what im benching now, i will pull about a 6.0 or 6.5.
but what REALLY gets my goat is that i could have taken this class for credit only, which means pass or fail without affecting gpa. but i didnt know that! and now its too late!