Oct 30, 2006 23:34
Last weekend was such a great break from midterms. I was lucky enough to attend PMX in LA and cosplay, mingle with my friends, go to concerts, and look at pretty people. It was so much fun~~ Mike Moody and I carpooled back to my house, met up with Anne, then we were off to LA. On friday night, we basically just got way too much sugar in our systems~~ i didn't even know how I managed to get up at 6 in the morning after finally going to bed at 3am. The NOIZ concert was AWESOME! They were so funny! I was standing close to the guitarist, and i was able to get a guitar pick...WOOT WOOT~ Then the big star of the convention was OLIVIA~~ Her dress was so gorgeous, she is so pretty...~~ Her music is mellow and slower, so it was a pretty good ending of the day I guess. Anyways, I love conventions, and i can't wait for AX next summer!!
since i have already forgot how to use lj cut again, i'll post picts up later~~