Title : Ain't no sunshine (Coming home)
Pairing : Yuchun/Junsu (implied : Jaejoong/Yunho
Words : 4978 (long oneshot)
Verse : Slavery, Abuse
Warnings : Abuse - phyiscal and mental. Fucked up.(Be careful)
Rating : Hard R !
Disclaimer : This is not real. It did not happen. Do not mistake fiction for reality.
Summary : Junsu is a slave, traded between masters. Yuchun won a poker game and his prize is Junsu. Yuchun hates slavery (even though it is legal). Junsu is scared beyond belief...(prompted by
Dedicated to :
sharl because baby needs a pick-me-up and
ztarplay for the awesome, shiny master fic list.
You have the devil’s own luck, you bastard.