Title: Drowning myself in the memories of love
Author: pain-is-ecstasy
Fandom: DBSK/JYJ
Pairing: Yoosu, Junsu-centric
Length: 1/2
Genre: Angst
Rating: Nc-17,
Summary: You were happy without me weren’t you? Did you ever even give me a second thought after you left me or was I just discardable to you? I watched you, you know. I saw you with her. You’ve moved on haven’t you? But tell me how do I forget you?
A/N: So I felt like writing. I abandoned my roleplays for the day and decided to sit down and dedicate myself to it. This is dedicated to my Yoosu fangirl, Courtney. (
starlit_skys) Not exactly happy yoosu :P
I'm drowning myself in the memories of love; my heart is breaking with the thought of our lost love